Thanks to everyone who helped me with the noserider rocker. Now I would like to build a performance 9’0"(something that would do a straight-up “Ted Robinson” style off-the-lip). Have built a couple out of the 9’4"R natural rocker that were close but a wee bit stiff(the 9’1"Y and I don’t seem to get along). Any suggestions on rocker adjustments(if any), rails and fin set-ups would be helpful. Thanks again.
i recently did a 9 footer from a 9’1Y that had a 9’5S bottom centered rocker. i went with a four fin (twinzer) set up. this made for an extremely manuverable LB. this thing laughs at roundhouses in the bowl and vertical lippers. good luck. kirk
Kirk - Would you share some other details on your board? It sounds great - Is the twinzer set up with the small fins in front or back? What is the outline? Measurements?
it’s 9’ x 17.5 x 22 x 13.75 x 2.5 with a round pin. flat to double concave. FCS twinzer set with small fins in front.
Thanks to everyone who helped me with the noserider rocker. Now I would > like to build a performance 9’0"(something that would do a > straight-up “Ted Robinson” style off-the-lip). Have built a > couple out of the 9’4"R natural rocker that were close but a wee bit > stiff(the 9’1"Y and I don’t seem to get along). Any suggestions on > rocker adjustments(if any), rails and fin set-ups would be helpful. Thanks > again. For a performance longboard you might consider the 9’1"y with +3/4 tail and +1" nose in the last 12" —the 9’4" -I generally use for nosers adding tail rockethe nose gets funky if you add too much nose rocker–just my opinion though --also the 9’4" H with added rocker works real good on performance boards
Thanks - sounds nice!
Thanks all for the advice but I’m still not clear on the subject. The 9’5"S is too thin for me. Also, is it best to increase the rocker throughout the tail or starting at some point near the tail for a performance longboard? Thanks again. (fish questions coming next!)
doublejay, the blank i used was a custom 9’1"Y. it had the same thickness (3 5/16".) the custom part was the rocker. the 9’5"S has more nose and more tail. it’s a pretty standard clark blank. ask around. kirk
Thanks all for the advice but I’m still not clear on the subject. The > 9’5"S is too thin for me. Also, is it best to increase the rocker > throughout the tail or starting at some point near the tail for a > performance longboard? Thanks again. (fish questions coming next!) If you’re trying tp net a 2.5" board the 9’5S is a great blank. One pass on each side and you are done (for thickness). A plus rocker version of this blank will give you a very nice hi-per long board with virtually no tweaks to the rocker. Very easy to shape. Basham’s carrys a plus rocker version that works great.
If you’re trying tp net a 2.5" board the 9’5S is a great blank. One > pass on each side and you are done (for thickness). A plus rocker version > of this blank will give you a very nice hi-per long board with virtually > no tweaks to the rocker. Very easy to shape. Basham’s carrys a plus rocker > version that works great. I’m not familiar with Basham’s. Do they have a website?
Thanks to everyone who helped me with the noserider rocker. Now I would > like to build a performance 9’0"(something that would do a > straight-up “Ted Robinson” style off-the-lip). Have built a > couple out of the 9’4"R natural rocker that were close but a wee bit > stiff(the 9’1"Y and I don’t seem to get along). Any suggestions on > rocker adjustments(if any), rails and fin set-ups would be helpful. Thanks > again. I guess the answer to my original question is very few people use the 9’4’R blank.
I’m not familiar with Basham’s. Do they have a website? Brad Bashams is located in San Clemente CA. 949-361-2203 I’m sure they would give the rocker #s if you called.