Since I teach, I have the whole summer off and am thinking of putting a trip together. I would prefer to go to the South Shore for a week of LB and SB, but I don’t know if I can swing the dough. I figure with airfare (about 300) and hotel/car—scratch that. I don’t need a car) and food, I’ll spend about a grand.
But I was thinking about Mexico. I have to ideas. One, Quatro Casas/Shipwrecks and vicinity or, Two: Puerto Escondido. I think Puerto Escondido is a little too ambitious for driving, but it would be fun.
I drive a Honda Civic, which is great for millage, but probably not the best for Mexican travels. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything resembling an offroad vehicle except for my mountain bike.
Anyone have any plans or ideas? Anyone want to go somewhere? I’m even considering traveling north this summer, maybe camp up near Jalama for a week, or perhaps a few days.
My big plan is Hawaii. I haven’t spend a week on the South Shore in the summer since 1986 and, contrary to what’s popular in the media these days (North Shore), the South Shore goes off just about every damn day in the summer. The “flat” days still come in chest to head high on the outer reefs (Castles, Pops, Threes, and especially Diamond Head).
I have to go. Time to check airfares at Hawaiian Airlines. Too bad they want to RIP ME OFF on bringing my boards. I only want to bring two boards, and that will cost $320 round trip (FOR THE BOARDS!!!). That’s bad!
Maybe I’ll just paddle there.