i bought the book " how to make a surfboard" in the uk, but i'm from belgium and i have a problem with a tabel, i do not understand the measurements of the approx displacement, the rest is indicated with kg and inches, but when it sais displacement, it's just a lot of numbers, is this in liters, can somebody help me, i give an example:
No, I don't. Could be gallons, or liters I suppose. Displacement is relative, as it would depend on the weight of the surfer. Maybe 132 lbs. is the weight of the surfer? A heavier surfer would cause the board to ride lower in the water, hence greater displacement. I'm not aware of the usefulness of the measurement. What is it that you are doing with this information? I don't think you need that figure to build a surfboard. Volume would be a more logical measurement. Can you post a picture of the table?
Tell us a bit about your skill level, surfing experience, type of waves you want to ride with this board, type of boards you have had success with in the past, etc. You'll get more useful information on board shapes and sizes here than that chart or table could ever give you. There are experienced, even professional shapers here, who will share and help above and beyond the call of duty.
Displacement is mostly measured in volume, but it could be in weight too. But actually it doesn’t matter that much in surfboard building because you can’t measure it very easily.
Okay, i looked again and i think i d'ont need that, it's just a table, and it sais that the displacement is not that very different if you take the wright measurements for the wright person, but if you make the wrong board for somebody, it might sink and you have a lot of displacement if the bord has not enough volume