I think the max # of messages is 350 and the max time is 2 weeks?
It’s a great forum, Mike. Discussions seem to have a lifespan. If they get too far down the page or too old they get lost. I like the archives for technical backup, but IMHO most people are interested in realtime advice and discussion. I don’t think people can stay that interested in that many topics. Turning them over keeps the bb …fresh, interesting.>>> I think the max # of messages is 350 and the max time is 2 weeks?
I think the max # of messages is 350 and the max time is 2 weeks? Mike, The attention certain subjects draw reflects upon currently popular trends, or the daily wave conditions most surfers are faced with. Many of the threads discussed are best stated as briefly as possible, because actually trying them out will speak louder than any words. I also know that more than a few of the topics being touched upon are far more complicated (especially in practice) than the brief focus they
re often given. Some persons likely suffer the shorter attention span one unfortunately (and unknowingly) develops from too many formative years parked in front of a television. Finally, the stats you quoted might just reflect the minutes that can reasonably be taken (without arousing suspicion), busily clicking away on their employer
s computer… Swaylocks.com is a fantastic interactive resource, and I tell everyone that I meet to drop in and check it out! Dale
Mike…I agree with Noodle…the time span is just about right. One thing, though, some of the threads really go off on a tangent…WAY away from the topic of surfboard design and the like. I have been guilty of this myself…It IS refreshing to have the occasional cool story or philosophical pondering, but a lot of folks can really go off the deep end…and the pages fill up with everything from surfchecks to wives worrying that their husbands love surfing more than them (remember that one?!). I guess that this is cool, and I suppose it would be boring to have JUST tech advice here…but bear in mind …the pages fill up the fastest when people respond to things NOT technical…Maybe you ought to put the non - tech stuff in the archives before the tech stuff (or delete it altogether to make room for resource). In any case a good week or two to view “current” threads seems about right.
Mike.I agree,“it seems about right to me”. Perhaps the value of the archive could be emphasised by giving it a tab at the top of the page. By the way, for a good read just go into the archives and enter one of the frequent contibutors names, ex. Herb, Dale, Noodle, Tom V, John(all) etc. There are some great tips buried in their replies to other questions. One of my favorites is Herb’s spraying of glue on the back of paper when he ran out of tape. I now use it for airbrushing tricky designs. Thanks for keeping the archive alive. Patrick
Mike…I agree with Noodle…the time span is just about right. One thing, > though, some of the threads really go off on a tangent…WAY away from the > topic of surfboard design and the like. I have been guilty of this > myself…It IS refreshing to have the occasional cool story or > philosophical pondering, but a lot of folks can really go off the deep > end…and the pages fill up with everything from surfchecks to wives > worrying that their husbands love surfing more than them (remember that > one?!). I guess that this is cool, and I suppose it would be boring to > have JUST tech advice here…but bear in mind …the pages fill up the > fastest when people respond to things NOT technical…Maybe you ought to > put the non - tech stuff in the archives before the tech stuff (or delete > it altogether to make room for resource). In any case a good week or two > to view “current” threads seems about right.>>>>> For sure, I can agree totally!! and this will offend some of you: when I ever scope out this forum, its just for the laughs: reading about a bunch of old past-their-prime
rs trying to unload their worn out old kneeboard copied cosmic shapes, sillyass toy minifins, ancient psychotic fishriders from the University of Crystal Meth, obsolete before theyre made wall hanger tankers, wetfart filled shark biscuit sponges,, hawaiian redneck philosophy, sooo many lame personality ego problems, and those oh so cute surfpet stories, thats so sweet! Next it
ll be “Why surfers go bald” WHATEVER!!! What does ANY of that have to do with the latest surfboard design??? Lets see, duhhhh, which fin do I use this time or better yet: duhhh, which fin box!!! how many times are you going kick such totally BORING subjects like that one around??? its so circular!! Just publish a techbook and get over it!! Are your edges tucked or round: oh, so you take a tape measure and grinder out when youre surfing? Who really gives a flyin rip about what happened inthe the past or future, because were YOU personally there when it all came down?? So how do you know its even true??? Why should we believe any of this baby food once when you can experience the real thing?? But heres the core truth: the basis of the whole retro thing already died a long time ago and tomorrow doesnt even exist, THE HERE AND NOW IS ALL THATS HAPPENING.......so you say you really love surfing? well, loose that over 30ish lame jock corporate business attitude and suit and tie..... Next time when you start reaching for that mouse, instead practice turning off this forum and regularly, duck out the back door, hit the road and try finding a new break and some fresh surfing on anything else besides that stupid little plastic keyboard sitting in front of you right now. Maybe I
ll check back in six months, but then again theres a lots of cool things and places to see and do in this big wide world, and I
m totally so all over it… now its time that YOU go find them… no lame excuses, dont “schedule it”, “book it”, “plan it”, just get away right now and DO IT. “We don`t need no education…” Pink Floyd.
I didn’t read your whole rant. You started off saying that posters here would surely disagree with your opinions. But then you launched into a stupid diatrib with insulting names for posters here with positive contributions which are of no interest to you. You insult posters who offer positive advice, and REAL opinions, but never post any positive advice or REAL opinion yourself. You are an asshole and a hypocrite. Instead of offering insults as “opinion” why don’t you ignore the posts which don’t interest you. Better yet, just leave.
I didn’t read your whole rant. You started off saying that posters here > would surely disagree with your opinions. But then you launched into a > stupid diatrib with insulting names for posters here with positive > contributions which are of no interest to you.>>> You insult posters who offer positive advice, and REAL opinions, but never > post any positive advice or REAL opinion yourself. You are an asshole and > a hypocrite.>>> Instead of offering insults as “opinion” why don’t you ignore > the posts which don’t interest you. Better yet, just leave. (Well, Noodle, I did read the whole rant… wow!! Post-youthful angst?) Hey, Bruce R., Coming to grips with “real life” after years of playing video games, skipping classes and whiffing aerosal paint is no doubt fairly stressful for guys like you! Beavis and Butthead must have been your role models… hey, I bet I know which one you still identify with!! Even if I wanted to, thoughfully untangling this one would be like trying to have an logically enlightening interpersonal dialog with those good-intentioned, but mindlessly religious folks who go visiting door to door, handing out free copies of their newest theological dogma. Plus, if I
m not mistaken, I also detected personal jab at the surfmats that I build... so, for the record, I always recommend their inflation via exhaled carbon dioxide or compressed air, not methane and peutrezines from one
s own, er… flatulence. Dale
well i guess it will have to be enough for the rest of us that you have visited, looked around, and had some laughs…that’s fine. obviously you’ve categorized what goes on here as mostly a bunch of retro-delusionals discussing all things irrelevant. i say go forward and blaze your own trail, find your own niche… whatever it is that you find stimulating. of course, feel free to visit anytime! we’ll be here as usual, doing our thing in blissful happiness (or ignorance, if you prefer). we’ll just pretend that you’re not laughing at us, but laughing with us! (is that ok?) best wishes in all your future endeavors, ramon
I love you man!!! Stay tuned to this site though - there’s room for everyone.