
Spent the day with my Aunt yesterday and she says stop the sugars. She said that made her pain go away. I think diet is the easiest thing to start with, maybe hardest to maintain for lazy people like me. It would be beneficial to my heart too. Here in Hawaii the Ornish program has been a big thing. Not ready to be vegan, or full vegetarian. I’ve been on and off of a heart healthy diet since 1998. Lately been off of it more than on.

Thanks for all your advice.

Gonna check out your Doc Furhman.  Sounds like good knowledge.

Oneula is right.  Heart problems will overshadow most other physical ailments.

Exercise, control diet and minimize stress.

Keep blood pressure and weight under control.  Don’t exceed RDAs for calories, saturated fat, sugar and sodium.

The solutions are simple.  But putting them into practice is not easy.

Anyone who has used their hands their whole life will end up with hand problems, just as everyone who has really got after it in the water for decades will deal with whole body issues as an elder.

The surgeon (49er team surgeon) who has performed numerous repairs on me as well as other surfers describes the whole body condition as traumatic athritis, result of all those micro tears and fractures accumulated through decades of high impact wipeouts… 

when hands began bothering me 24/7 had x-rays done…just OA from former injuries along with hard used  tendons and ligaments…or as the hand specialist said 'seen a whole lot worse at your age"

can’t go wrong with a low fat, low carb/sugar diet, reduce the animal proteins, lots of water, ginger and tumeric, keep up with the Vit D and B complex, stay as lean as possible and adhere to a regular excercise program.

Having lost several good friends in the past couple years, and with two close friends currently in end stage cancer, realize that having reached 70 with just some non life-threatening health issues and the usual aches and pains  to deal with = hella lucky…gotta be alive to hurt

I remember reading many years ago, in Ricky Grigg interview (Surfer magazine no doubt), he was maybe in his 40’s and had not long prior had an xray taken for a whiplash or similar injury. The doctor told him he had the arthritic neck of an 85 year old, presumably from all the big wave beat downs he’d taken…

I have a CBD salve that I got from Meghans CBD market in Morro Bay that has no THC in it & you don’t need a MM card.