Asian Child Labor in the Surf Industry

Yeah,  I figured I’d light that fire again.

"Now keep the blade angle low.  Put a little pressure near the front of the blade.  Now push smoothly.

Good.  That’s it.  You’re doing it!"

hey jeff       when are you going to build that girl a board   shes ready  haa’’

Start em young hey ! ?

Nearly fell for it Jeff, except the factory setting in the pic is far too nice...





Nice one Jeff,

I have been stalling on my kid’s boards gloss coat until it gets warmer and the swell stops pumping. I took the kids down to the beach today to watch a good five feet of the dune wash away at high tide with a 17’ swell running. Well spring is almost here argh.

[img_assist|nid=1049042|title=cork tracpad|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=85] PS: ( sells great cork tail pads that look nice and are real grippy.