Hey, they guy whom im working with who is doing the thing has a few questions hes not a member and doesnt get on much so im realaying the questions

would you be interested???

  1. In buying supplies, blanks resin fins tools etc etcetc EVERYTHING and having it delivered on an as needed or weekly schedule? for example, we would deliver in say ventura/oxnard/the valley on tuesdays.

los angeles south bay on wednesdays

OC on thursdays

san diego on friday

The prices with delivery would be comparable to others “normal” prices. maybe a slight bit extra very slight maybe 5.00 per order total.

Also since the supply shop is directly linked to a glass shop, when you had your blanks delivered your shaped blanks could be picked up glassed and returned to you the following week.

Give me feedback, what you would want any ideas, what can be done to be better. etc. any feedback is greatly appreciated.