Auslocks Board Experience!

I had the Auslocks board out the other day (2 week ago already – didn’t have any internet the last weeks) and it was a great experience. As said I’ve never ridden anything close to shape before, even never rode a single fin. I normally ride a standard 6’3 shortboard or a 5’10 modern fish.

The surf was quite small (1meter) but clean and I was really surprised how good the board went. With the extra length it was very easy to get into the small waves and despite the (unfamiliar) length the board felt very vivid and it is very fast thru (around) sections. I rode it as a singlefin (with the smaller fin) most of the time. I really liked the feeling of the singlefin setup; using your whole body (leaning into the turn) for bottom turns and cutbacks.

I also tried the the thruster setup and the widowmaker (side keels) both with the smaller back fin (supplied form chip). The thruster might have given the board a little bit more drive thru the turns but the loose pivoting feeling was gone. And the widowmaker setup some seemed to slow down the board: just felt strange to me. I think the waves were too small for that setup. Would have loved to ride it in bigger conditions but there wasn’t much on offer when I had the board. I took it back to Dave’s shop two weeks ago.

Riding the board really broadened my horizon , as I never thought about building or getting a singlefin board or a board in a longer range but now I will be definitely looking into it… And that is what the whole idea of the board was all about, not?. Thanks guys for letting me be a part of the Auslocks experience + share the stoke!

cheers Zimmi

btw: I am still looking for a place to occasionally shape a board at the Gold Coast. Knowing any garage/backyard builder out there, who might share their shed? Let me know! cheers Z

good on ya mate !

thanks for the report !!!

I am just SO glad someone has finally ridden the thing , and to read how it went .

thanks again for the report .

…thanks HEAPS for the photos !


Hi Zimmi! Now you know what you’ll be shaping when you come back to France, don’t you? By the way, isn’t Currumbin the place where Burford blanks are made? Cheers.

Good stuff Zimmi!!!

Great to hear you enjoyed the experience. It is a different board to the norm isn’t it!!

Thanks so much for the report, I was starting to get dispondant about it all…

It’s time to move on now Auslocks, anyone interested in moving it south???

It seems not too many guys were interessted in the board around here. I enjoyed it anyway!

Guilhem: I actually moved over here with my Girlfriend. So the next couple of boards will be done here. Still looking back at the good times in France and might be back sometime (and then drive down to Guethary to see your boardwarehouse :-)! Say “salut” to Mc Fly if you speak to him.

cheers Zimmi

Glad for you, maaaaaaaaate!

We all wish you good waves (and shapes). Let’s keep in touch through Swaylock’s,then, OK?

that report and the excellent photos made me so happy! thanks Zimmi!

I’m heading up Kempsey way on Sunday 18 June.

If the board gets to Crescent/ Kempsey for that date I can bring it down to the Central Coast…

- If it’s around Kempsey on the 18th I can bring it down the Coast. It’ll be closer for the Newy crew too…(eh Chipper)

Anyone available to get it there?


- If it’s around Kempsey on the 18th I can bring it down the Coast. It’ll be closer for the Newy crew too…(eh Chipper)

bump again…

it’ll be great if the board makes it to the central coast, and i’ll be sure to get lots of nice Zimmi style “board next to line up” shots. there great!


this , from the other thread …

the link in the east coast chain , to get it to “Glenno” in Scotts Head ??


Re: [chipfish61] "Auslocks board" ridden [In reply to] Quote | Reply

the auslocks board is here… at my shop at 476 gold coast hwy Tugun. any goldylockers can pick it any give it a bash any time… maybe speedy/bert can compare flex to the latest sandwich filler. poorboy was here today and will take it onward to the next desired locale southwards when your ready

does the offer still stand , “Poorboy” ???

it’s very kind of you , thanks !



[on the other side of oz ]

Hey Ben, I sent Dave a PM about maybe sending it down with a courier.

Will let you know… Cheers

Good on ya Glenno…

guys im in and out at moment, try pm poorboy to bring it down if you can

Where are you now?

This is just a weekly update…

I heard some guy with a bright wetsuit , a helmet , and a footy team worth of kids was last seen paddling it from some country with a non-flying bird ,

towards some country with aloha …

his wife was fiddling with a gps , following him on a kiwi-powered jet-ski.

…but of course , this is only what I “heard” …you might want to double check that …

maybe “poor boy” knows where it is ??


This is just a weekly update… hellllllooooo where arrrrre youuuuu…

…maybe , like the missing garden gnome ,

we will get postcards from it …

in russia,

ansterdam ,


thailand …

at least you get to do 52 posts a year this way , Grant …


missing in inaction …one auslocks board …