Too good to keep to myself.

We have started work on the Auslocks board. A board to travel around OZ and maybe NZ to be shared and passed onto the next person.

At a brief meeting at a shady Irish pub in Perth, Pandanus, Chip and myself sat down and worked out the rough specs for this new creation. Along with valuable input from other members on this site these dimensions were finally set in stone.

7’6" x 19 3/4" 13"N 14"T WP +3" 2 3/4"TH 2x4oz with deck patch and 1x4oz on the bottom

As usual I have started a pictorial account of this momentous occasion.

Don’t ever let a 15yo girl practice on a thick blank with a planer, never ever turn your back…sorry Chip!!!

I nearly gave this blank up for dead, looked at it for 3 days before deciding what to do…

Credits to date.

Pandanus - 9 metres of Glass, Basic shape concept

Chip - Blank, fin(s)

Lavz - Videographer

Dimensions - Feraldave, BillBarnfield

Me - Resin, shaping, artwork, sanding, glossing etc.

Swaylocks Community - For the inspiration and the knowledge, you people rock!!!


I’ve started to level everything out and roughly outline what looked like a no hoper of a blank.

Before and after shots

Look at the angle of the section of tail I took off!!!


Starting to look better!!!

Slowly getting there…

We need to get a few more bits for this project yet, anyone willing to donate a finbox, leash cup, leash and a board bag? Remember this is a joint effort for and on behalf of all Oz Sways members.

Everyone with input into this project will recieve a certificate and their name will be laminated into the board for all eternity…

More to come after this weekend…woooo hooooo this is going to be fun…

Awesome work guys!!!

Hicksy the glas is 6oz and I Frequented that pub twice more on that trip along with me trusty side kick (Luke).

great stuff guys

i hope it comes to nz

i cant think what to donate though id be happy to a make a fin (i spose chip reallly really wants to make the fin:) ) or something


any way keep the piccies comming

Looking good, girls. Don’t let Ben fill it with plugs, though! Where is he anyway? Mike

I like the template… :slight_smile:



Pineapple scented blank even, No Way! That’s bitchin… The outline shape looks great Hicksy, .


Well done lads!!!


PM me your address & l’ll shoot over some swaylocks logos

& a spare leggie l’ve got lying around early next week.


" i cant think what to donate though id be happy to a make a fin (i spose chip reallly really wants to make the fin:) ) or something "

Silly , that would be GREAT , mate !!!

I would be reaallly happy to have someone else make a fin or two for it , thanks !!

Ant , cheers mate …a leggie would be REALLY handy .

Sabs , if you’re out there … how are the chances of getting it to N.Z. ? [It “should” / could be finished by January 2006, hopefully ??]

to set the record straight …

the “15y.o. girl with a planer” ?

Well no …

it was me , actually … a 44yo man, with resin side effects and lost glasses. [Hicksy was trying to not make me look bad , but …I DO look bad … it’s okay !]

After I had butchered it , I basically wanted to get rid of the blank .

But , I figured … "if anyone could save it , “superhicksy” was THE man " !! [I have deliberately stayed out of your way Grant , to help me avoid making <span style=“font-style:italic”>further</span> stuff ups . I’ll <span style=“font-style:italic”>gladly</span> let you do the WHOLE thing mate !]

I hope this board DOES make it around Australia … and hopefully , New Zealand , and ? Japan ?

That would all cost lots of money sending it overseas though, of course . I don’t have / know of any benevolent surfing sugar daddies …anyone ??


Imagine this if you can…a blank that’s 5" thick at the tail and 1 1/2 " at the nose.

I worked out what to do…finally…

Sand, plane, carve everything off it that doesn’t look like a surfboard…

Too easy…!!!

how about a sugar surf-mama! But…if ya’ wear the tutu ya’ might just get a sugar daddy!

Hicksy give me an adress and I can sent some leg rope plugs

You need to make a lam out of a photo of that “Pineapple-scented blank” stamp. Maybe with a photo of Spongebob & his pineapple house.

My son cracked up his french class…“Bob le Ponge!”

re: sponge bob

when I was in south america recently there were ads everywhere for “BOB ESPONGA!”

" You need to make a lam out of a photo of that “Pineapple-scented blank” stamp…"

…that’s a good idea !

cheers for that


How can I help? Every thing seems to be covered. Let me know. platty.

" How can I help? Every thing seems to be covered. Let me know. platty. "

Hi Dave !

any suggestions on fin[s] template[s] ?

…board bag ?

cheers !


Hi Chip

I will have to see when we are there,it will all depend on much loot the kids get from family and how much room that gives us in the baggage department.

I would like to bring two boards over,but my wife keeps teling me no we will need the extra room in the board bag to bring things back.

Now imm nervous do i bring a good board and risk it getting damaged by all the stuff she wants to put in with it on the way back!!

Imm still trying to find out just how much baggage we can take ie can a child have a surfboard as part of their luggage etc

I will let you know when we get closer to the date

Its a pity it didnt happen six months ago we shipped out loads of plugs for a 43 foot motor boat from mouldcam on the gold coast

We do not have plans for any more just yet but it could all change in the future!
