Automotive Finishes

I’m thinking about tinting my under-construction kookboard with an automotive clearcoat mixed with a translucent color mixed in. Experimenting with automotive coats is expensive, but the results are usually good. What do I ask the paint clerk for, candy color? Has anybody tried an automotive candy coat on a surfboard? Is this the way to go? While I’m at it, Do you know what it takes to make chroma color adhere to my vinyl car bumper? I’m about to repair it. Any help would be appreciated.

I’m thinking about tinting my under-construction kookboard with an > automotive clearcoat mixed with a translucent color mixed in. > Experimenting with automotive coats is expensive, but the results are > usually good. What do I ask the paint clerk for, candy color?>>> Has anybody tried an automotive candy coat on a surfboard? Is this the way > to go?>>> While I’m at it, Do you know what it takes to make chroma color adhere to > my vinyl car bumper? I’m about to repair it.>>> Any help would be appreciated.>>> Noodle>>>>>>>Ask for Emeron…No need to clear coat and it’s as tough as a powder coat.>>>>>>>If it’s silver it should bond to your plastic bumper.Just make sure it’s finely sanded,and clean…Here’s a tip wipe the plastic with acetone,before you paint,this softens the plastic,and you can usually skip the sanding.(THIS IS WHAT I DO TO MY DECK PLUGS/FCS&FU BOXES). >>>>>>Good luck keeping the cromatic tone even,that usually requires proper room temps,and humidity control.(that’s why it’s dipped , like gun bluing,it’s about the samething).Herb.

DUH!I forgot to include after the acetone trick to prime the plastic surface with a high adhesion primer for automotive plastics.Then a fine/extra fine emery cloth sand out.Herb.

DUH!I forgot to include after the acetone trick to prime the plastic > surface with a high adhesion primer for automotive plastics.Then a > fine/extra fine emery cloth sand out.Herb. Thanks for the info Herb. I’ll ask for the right stuff at the paint store.

I’m thinking about tinting my under-construction kookboard with an > automotive clearcoat mixed with a translucent color mixed in. > Experimenting with automotive coats is expensive, but the results are > usually good. What do I ask the paint clerk for, candy color?>>> Has anybody tried an automotive candy coat on a surfboard? Is this the way > to go?>>> While I’m at it, Do you know what it takes to make chroma color adhere to > my vinyl car bumper? I’m about to repair it.>>> Any help would be appreciated. …I’ve used Imron (clear & solid Colors) on about 10 boards…The stuff is pricey, but is real durable and colorfast…I’ve not had any problems with bonding to fiberglass…I use an HVLP sprayer…Imron goes off fast…A good respirator is a MUST…

…I’ve used Imron (clear & solid Colors) on about 10 boards…The > stuff is pricey, but is real durable and colorfast…I’ve not had any > problems with bonding to fiberglass…I use an HVLP sprayer…Imron goes > off fast…A good respirator is a MUST… Thanks Paul. I’ll ask about Imron too. I have a siphon automotive rig and a gallon of 3M clearcoat that I need to use before it goes off. I’m thinking of buying powdered color from an art supplier and testing it with the clearcoat.