Look at guys who are doing well … there are many. Their doing something different, something to make them stand out. I competed for years with other manufacturers and every successful one had something they did better than most anyone else. Natural Art (Pete Dooley) had excellent retailers and serviced them with more regularity than anyone else. Ocean Avenue, had the best surf team. Fox had a strong retail presence in S. FL. Quiet Flight also had strong retail. Spectrum had good price and good service. My brand I always focused on tech. Kechele always focused on strong artwork. We were all competing for the same market all with something different than the other guy.

Business is constantly changing and to remain successful you have to change. If I were making boards right now they’d be Timberflex. I’d probably be selling everything I could make just like all the years I was making boards. Business is tough sometimes but there are always ways to compete. Whinning about the way it is isn’t going to make you successful. Positive strategic moves will. Worry about what your doing, not what their doing.

Too many surfboard businesses have made it through the years competing on price alone. Well that day is gone. This is the real issue to many. The one thing they could always grasp at is no longer an option because someone who lives a simpler life can do it cheaper. Therefore, you must play the hand delt , be creative. Or not and do something else. Things are different now and you have to understand it and come up with a way to be in it.

Nothing is selling in this market right now but custom. The imports are getting exactly 0% of that pie. The domestics are getting nearly 100%. Now, how could I get a bigger slice of that pie? That’s the question and within that question lies the answer.

Again, we are selling a service, not a product. So are they. Think about it.

Look guys, , You all answer your own questions and greifs with the China board market…

I work for a chinese board company. www.wideskysurfboard.com

I have posted here and had answered many nice questions for people.(and copped some shit too)

At the end of the day, Chinese boards will allways get sales,

BUT the main Shapers that are suffering a loss of bussiness are the major labels (Globe, Merrick etc)

Who for many many years have made the same pop-out shape, given it a name, machined the blank and have a Newbie-Ghost shaper

finish it, Then sell that board for 750$+

And guys who turn out the same shit models for their local surfshop and want similar money to a custom.

Why would surfshops bother when wthey can buy copies of major brand shapes for 150$ of me ?

China will never impose on the life long built bussiness of a Custom shaper who can make a board for the persons build and surfing abilty.

Or their committed customers who love the Home Made brands- the way a Harly rider would never buy a JAP Bike.

Just remember the next time you buy anything, be it a car, toaster or power drill, if you have a little money you will buy the cheaper imported model

(of which there are varying qualities depending on the manufacturer)

You will get to work, make some breakfast and drill all the holes you will ever need.

But that said, nothing beats a Porche, a Swedish made 4 slice toaster and a Dewalt industrial use Hammer Drill.

The same is said for surfboards.


This is your answer to all the cheap imported copies out there,

But I guess this idea scares the shit out of the lazy people who liked to turn out shit for a big buck.

It happens in all walks of life… at all ages ,… in all industries

When I was young I liked mowing lawns for 20$ a lawn, Until some one new moved in, and did a better job for 15$

Well, , all I could do was bitch and moan… because … your guessed it !!

I was Lazy !!

too LAZY to promote my bussiness, to TIGHT to lower my price, to PROUD to improve my methods…

and at the end of the day… I liked doing a half assed job for MAX money.

Customers who buy Boards from my factory (CHINA) have never: returned any, complained, bitched about price, had problems with the quality,

They love the shapes we use, our artwork, glassing methods, handmade fins, our legropes etc

Have a look at the site www.wideskysurfboard.com

to see why lazy Shapers are bitching

Just beware of the hypocracy of those kinds of statements, because I can GARANTEE that the keyboard you are typing on,

was not made in the USA.

mines made in the good old U.S of Thialand

Mine is on a laptop…so it’s probably Chiwanese!

And besides…my daughter was made in China…and I can assure you she was perfectly manufactured! :wink: LOL

I avoided China. I bought a board from Thailand. It’s a Webber Fatburner and it’s everything I was looking for in this particular board; low rocker, a bit of foam, good planshape for East Coast waves ( a couple of strokes and I’m going )and it’s made way better than the ones I shaped and glassed myself. The price was right and I am having fun on it. I think they do a good job at the Cobra factory. In a way it’s too bad people diss these boards, they’re really ok but you must be a kook or beginner if you choose to ride one. Narrow minds.

Anyone else sense the bitter irony of China becoming such an economic force?

From decades of mis-trust as the red menace using communism as its engine.

The anthises of all the US stood for in its capatilist driven democracy.

Now look at it churning out just about anything you can think of so cheaply.

Capitalism came but lets not worry about the democracy because there’s big $$'s to be made.

The driving force of greed is what pollutes the waters of the surfboard industry.

If one could just be satisfied with a little less (like Onuela said) then the waters would be cleaner.

Me, I make my living out of producing and selling funky tribal products and my wife’s family weave our fabric for us on backstrap looms.

Have customers all the time asking us if we wholesale.

I/we are happy to make what we make. It keeps it high quality, low stress, and we have enough to all get by.

I look around and wonder why people rush around accumulating, trying to keep up or pass everyone else whether it be on the road, out in the water or in life?

Call me lazy for not wanting more. I don’t mind.

I had a fun surf on my Honolua fish today. Didn’t catch as many waves as I would have on one of my longboards but the glide was GR8.

How the Stimulus Payments works.

"This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This
a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?

A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?

A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

A. Only a smidgen.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a
TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn’t that stimulating the economy of China?

A. Shut up.

Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by

spending your stimulus check wisely:

If you spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China.

If you spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.

If you purchase a computer it will go to India .

If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras,
Guatemala (unless you buy organic).

If you buy a car it will go to Japan.

If you purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan.

And none of it will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America . You can keep the money in

America by spending it at yard sales, going to a baseball game, or
it on prostitutes, beer and wine (domestic ONLY), or tattoos, since
are the only businesses still in the US.

That’s right!You tell 'em!

Spend it at your local bakery…oh wait…they’re all Russian!

Ah!..Yard sales then!..Ummm…everything at the yard sale is old Chinese electtronics and Clothes made in Thaiwan

Cool…Beer then!..oh…wait…a Japanese firm just bought Anheiser Busch

A ball game then…uhh…no…a chinese firm has majority share and the players are all wearing Nike…also Chinese…and…aren’t all the employese at the park Mexican???

Well…there’s always the hookers!!!

Oh…uhhh…except all the prostitutes are illegal imigrants or junkies who give all their money to dealers who, in turn give it to the Columbians.

DAMN! What am I gonna do now!!!

Sh!t…I guess I’ll just have to go get some more tattoos…


Wanna buy this 9’ longboard

it was made on Planet Earth, $200 like new!

You know me and longboards.

Maybe one day we’ll work it out…but for now we’re not on speaking terms.