
Suffice to say the BK Model was inspired by Michael Hynsons “Red Fin”.  I’m thinking that photo was 1965.  Which would have placed Barry on the Rick team by then.  I’ve ridden two “Red Fin” knock-offs with their variances over the years, A Rick BK and a PB “Performer”.  Both with wider noses.   A wider nose was an improvement,  I think it is most likly camera angle Bill.

bill is right.
case closed.

I was lucky to find this one almost pristine except for a ding (well repaired) in the rail near the nose:

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bitchin find balsa.

pinline attention to detail is worth 

the prise of admission.


definite exapmle of transition outline 

early shortboard,excelent crafting

plastic fantastic period spring-summer '68

with the visible serial number 

you could concievably get an accurate date

of production.Caling dr. Brawner



Mine is # 503, with the fin box in great shape,…however, the tail was shaved on the rails–and I need to build the areas highlighted to fit the original rail line and template,…before adding new nose and tail blocks.
I have several pics of other BK tails – would it be possible to ask for any pics of the rails from the side?

Aloha, Randy

It’s been one of the joys of my life to be in the lineup at the same time as Barry. I paddle in every time… I watched him ride that Hynson model both at Trestle and the Northshore.

  Thanks for the pics!

…hello Balsa, cool board.

May you post more pictures? Different angles and views; with a stick on top of bottom rocker, etc


ahh, the cat is cool too.

Aaaaaah, I wondered if anyone would notice the Da Cat model in the back…

Here are a few more that are in my files but I can take some more from different angles if you like.

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I just took some more, trying to show the rail line (not easy…):

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…bulk distribution far back, at least what I see in that photo; very interesting, due to the super advanced WP


thank you Balsa


Mahalo for the extra pics Bill!!,…just what I was looking for to compliment the additional pic I have.

Here’s a pic of a board just a few #'s later than mine (503),…plus, a tiger strip

Aloha, Randy

OMG! And I thought that mine was in good shape… I have another one that is longer (about 8’ something) but a bit less clean. i’ll try and shoot some photos tomorrow.

A few more pics of BK’s that I’ve tracked down, try’n to get as many pics as I can to do this rehab justice.

Aloha, Randy



bubby  yarberry ripped on this rendition of template and fin 

at rivermouth that year

don’t think it was a B.K.,


made me wanna build one,

built it  glassed it light at 7’1’’ it was hot

used churchill rubber swim -paddle gloves

and kneel paddled it and ripped roundhouse to ecstatic delight

sent it to pakala where pat O’Keefe burried it on the beach at pakala and lost it for ever.

 but the  mini-gun was a moment of genius

in our short lives,The rounded bottom pintail was a special act.

and look at that fin so far back and the turned so loose!


build one no q.

P.S.the swan song  for the wave set fin too!

Those mini gun PICs are giving me flashbacks.  Those are almost a dead ringer for my very first shortboard: NOT an easy transition directly from a 9’6" log.  Almost drowned a couple times getting totally lip-launched while trying to dial in the later, shortboard takeoff on that thing in pitching, Ocean Beach (SF) dredgers.  Not really a happy memory…