Back on Sways -- moved too!

It appears that Sways has changed a bit, but cool. :slight_smile:

I relocated to Cardiff, CA but will be finally relocated in Carlsbad in a month or so.  Does anyone know a good lumber shop that you like in the area?  I am looking for high grade cedar/spruce or maybe even balsa…

Anyway, I think sways is trying to call me a hippie by saying my timezone is -25200…

That’s a good zone to be in! 

closest best bet for you is probably tropical hardwoods, 2270 Camino Vida Roble in Carlsbad; they have balsa and cedar… don’t think they carry spruce?  you might call Frost hardwood on Miramar rd. about that…they probably have spruce & cedar, but were out of balsa last time I checked.

welcome back to sways, and welcome to San Diego.  Home of Ron Burgundy and various assorted swaylockers, some of whom probably are (or were) hippies!

Frost hardwood should have what you are looking for. 

Wasn’t Jim Phillips selling balsa planks?  

I second what Keith said.

Frost is great.

Exotic Tropical Hardwoods has a un-real selection.

Mitch is the coolest.

If you are lucky he’ll show you his surfboard collection.

It’s un-real too!

Wow - both Tropical and Frost look like places I can get lost in…  :slight_smile:

Should have my laboardatory setup in a month or two - gonna have to start planning my next project.