I was recycling a board to a friend and i decide to make a blue glass job but it came out very bad, the color isn’t homogeneous, specialy in the rails(see picture),my question is, what can i do to fix it??paint hover the lam job with acrylic or do some splashes of other color ??Any ideas??
I’m not trying to be a wise ass, but I’d just sand it and surf it, I think your going to have more issues with the shape, than the way it looks. If for some reason it turns out to be majical, then you can color it with acrylic paint, then gloss coat over that, and it will look real pretty.
you could sand it down to the weave, and then do a sort of “cheater coat” with opaque pigment (laid on pretty thin). then do a thin hotcoat, give it a light sand, and finish the board as usual (gloss and polish??).
I’m not sure but in your first photo the FCS holes(?) look to be toed out instead of in. That might cause some directional issues. Or it could be the new design revolution we’ve all been waiting for. Anybody else ever experiment with toeing the fins out?
I have met a few portugese immigrants in school and at work. we have a portugese foreign exhcange student in my club, they all tell me the water at the beaches in portgual is disgusting but I would still go there for your beuatiful waves and women. ah but i digress. I think some of the problems with the board will be it looks like one of the really early shortboards with a very parralle outline so tracking and stiffness could be an issue and with the widish tail sliding out. how long is this. if it is under 6 foot I think you could be ok. 6-7 foot it will probably be really weird, but over 7 foot it will be a dog. hey but what some people don’t like others love. I don’t think bonga perkins or rusty kehalanou(i am very sorry hawaiians but some of the names are hard for us haloes to remember how to spell or pronounce) would like joel tudors logs and i don’t think joel would ride one of their HP longboards. it’s all a matter of taste and personal preference. I bet it will trim well, if it is a single fin.
He said it was recycled…looks to me like the first guy to take a crack at it did the original fin plugs…looks like Romeo’s filled 'em in. I’d guess he made the bonzer channels too, and a bonzer fin setup is yet to come.
I wouldn’t worry about the color. Its abstract and not in an entirely bad way.
You could sand the hotcoat, mask the stringer and spray several coats of water based acrylic then gloss. Make absolutely sure the acrylic is dry between coats and before gloss.
(Credit to Herb Spitzer on that one… see old Sylvia Saunders thread.)
A friend of mine toed out his fins. Riding his board I noticed two major differences… It felt really unpredictable, especially in choppy conditions. And…it tended to dig rail easily, as the fin would pull the rail deeper into the water on turns. Mind you, this was a twin keel finned fish with one-sided foil.
He broke them off and toed them in and it worked much better.
if you havent glassed the top yet, mix up a bunch of colors with lam resin and paint them on the bottom. leave some sections of blue aswell. Then glass the top normal and shoot a cheater lam batch over the painted bottom and hotcoat as normal. be careful when sanding. You could get it to look similar to this.