so, we’re scheduled to leave in june 2003. bali then kupang, west timor. what do you guys think? should i call off the trip? kirk
Now that the world and local government are aware that Indo is not immune from this horrible activity, (Indo was long considered a safe zone from terrorism) security will be way up. Plus those local families in the surf communities depend on Surfers for income and do not support the views of the fringe. Just my opinion. Do what your gut tells you to, but if it were me I would go. If you do go, I hope you have a safe/great trip.
so, we’re scheduled to leave in june 2003. bali then kupang, west timor. > what do you guys think? should i call off the trip?>>> kirk go over in 2 weeks get a one year work visa and help rebuild kuta for free… make great friends and feel like youve made a difference to a teenagers playground… and a surfers dreamworld…
With all due respect. Let’s be realistic too. I think being smart is the best advice. If you don’t go, you’re probably better off. But if you go, be careful and don’t hang out at bars etc. Surf Uluatu and surf elswhere but stay away from vendors and bars etc. Balinese people are usually pretty nice, but Bali is still a place without much security etc. God bless.
I was faced with the same dilemma last year. I had a trip booked for the Maldives in May 2002. Right after 9/11 I was wondering what to do. I had the trip booked with eight other surfers. All but myself and another guy bailed. I was considering canceling, but I really wanted to go. I waited and watched. I read a lot of foreign newspapers online. I read the Havaruu (Malidivian) online newspaper. I contacted the trip vendor ( company, totally honest, up front and there for the customer) and they agreed to waive the trip deposit but save my spot on the boat (the boat was fully booked with two Americans, one Kiwi and five Aussies). I kept my airline tics (Singapore Air) as they were cancelable until almost the last minute. I purchased trip insurance…a must! I have a wife and two kids to consider. My main concerns were not with the country (Republic of Maldives), but with getting there and back in and around the airports. The governemnt of the Maldives does NOT want to lose the tourist dollars as that is the main economic engine that is pulling them out of the third world. They have a moderate Muslim government and things are tightly controlled. Plus, the Maldives is about 1200 coral atolls covering over 350 square miles in the Indian Ocean. Pretty hard to smuggle terrorists and weapons of mass destruction into the country. In the end, and after a period of time, I was very comfortable (as was my family) with taking the trip. As it turned out probably the most dangerous place in my journey was the San Francisco airport. Indo (and now Bali) is a completely different story. Everything is changed now. The Indonesian political and economic powers have to go after the terrorists. I have a friend who visits and surfs Bali regularly. He works in Singapore, now in Hong Kong, in the banking industry. He said that wealthy politicians and military folks have a lot of personal money invested in Bali, which is the main economic engine that drives the economy of Indonesia. He said they are probably very pissed off because the Bali cash cow is now badly damaged. If the Indonesians can accept help from the West they will. Who knows how quickly the perps will be found? If you do go…avoid crowds and common tourist destinations…or don’t hang in those locations for very long. Kuta Beach, and it’s night club scene was a perfect terrorist target of opportunity. The bombing was a pro job all the way, from the small primary blast (which was designed to get the curious out on the street) to the large secondary explosion which was engineered to yield maximum kills. The third blast at the US consulate was the signature of the action and symbolic slap in the face at the West. Use caution, do your homework, be careful and weigh the risks. What was just a fully robust surf trip, may turn into the adventure of your lifetime. Is it worth it? You make the call!
Now that the world and local government are aware that Indo is not immune > from this horrible activity, (Indo was long considered a safe zone from > terrorism) security will be way up. Plus those local families in the surf > communities depend on Surfers for income and do not support the views of > the fringe. Just my opinion. Do what your gut tells you to, but if it were > me I would go. If you do go, I hope you have a safe/great trip. I though Bali was the only really safe place in indo? (with emphasis on “was”) regards, Håvard
so, we’re scheduled to leave in june 2003. bali then kupang, west timor. > what do you guys think? should i call off the trip?>>> kirk Contact the guys at nearer the time They will know whats going on. I have been several times over the past few years and it’s a wonderful place Its disturbing and tragic but I’m sure the Balinese will bounce back If I was them I would go for Independance same as Timor.
Amen about independence for Bali! The people are a hindu majority on their own island, but a minority in the archepelago of Indonesia. Indonesia is not about to let go of Bali that easy, however (remember Timor and her many years of rape and hardship?). Major tourist dollars come into the island of Bali, and it seems that every oppressive government loves one thing above their so-called religions…MONEY!). I was heartbroken to hear about the bombing, and I am with the guy who said to stay in Bali and help rebuild. The Balinese are a beautiful people and deserve our assistance. This bombing was meant to discourage westerners from going to that island to spend their money (isolate the balinese from western ideas)…as well as making an example of a people who are “infidels” in what they consider part of their manifest destiny. Support Bali by visiting there. Just “be safe”; that is, make safe choices as previously described. I’ve got my own agenda going by wanting to visit Timor and helping out THAT economy with my tourist dollars. I’d like to see some surf companies set up a tee shirt fund whereby they donate some “kala” to the people of Bali, and families of the maimed and murdered. (no health insurance, down there, I reckon). Think of the hardship of these people. Bless them all with Aloha, and keep them in your thoughts…It’s only a matter of time before we also hear that some famous surfers were on the strip. PEACE…T.
so, we’re scheduled to leave in june 2003. bali then kupang, west timor. > what do you guys think? should i call off the trip?>>> kirk Go for it Kirk. I had travelled extensively in South East Asia and have been told how dangerous it can be. I’ll tell you it is more dangerous walking around LA and driving on the freeway then anywhere I’ve been down there which is Burma, Thailand, Cambodia. Peace loving people down there except for the few fucks that want to destroy lives. We have them here to. Have a good trip and just use your common sense…you’ll be fine.
ill be flying back into bali in november. the local people dont have a problem with tourists, because they depend on tourism to survive. now that the bombing has killed the tourism, they will be glad to see you.