Balsa Build

a conspickyou usly invisible first ade keet

or is it yust un marked?

aw cummon yust a little redwood or cedar strunger for the gipper…?

cool bort

aff you considered a minerological nose block?

like that see thru stuff

is it mica?

to address a geologic imperative wouldst be quite true to the school.

mebe a piece of california jade

sliced thin laid into the deck at viewing height/

oh but I can dream on an instant’s notice…


quite fine

frieno’ mine!

You made my day! I wish I could speak Dutch as well as you. I was trying to think of the appropriate tailsman to embed in the central chamber…and now I have it.

A small piece of jade collected from the cove south of Sand Dollar during one of many trips to the area with my Grandfather when I was a sprout. We camped at Plaskett when the trees there were only 10 feet tall. A connection from the fathers to Swaylock’s. Pretty cool.

Thanks for the inspiration Ambrose…

ochos sombreros cavallero.

The spanish trailriders

on the beach in the moonlight

cellebrating the october

full moon 1783

picking through the

high tide jade.


smell the fine leather saddles


For a peek at the process of routing for maximum weight reduction without sacrificing skin strength, go on then click on “green room”, then “shaping room”, then “surfboard design”. The opposing trapezoidal chambers with radiused corners are super time-consuming, but weight is the enemy!

Chuck Vinson, is that you? Thanks for showing up here!!

If anyone is interested in wood boards, fins, glassing schedules, and shaping in the Ventura / Santa Barbara area, he’s the top drawer.

In no way taking from Lee’s beauty, just realizing who this is.


Thanks for the props, Skip. Lee, by posting the link to photos of one of my past projects, I in no way meant to denigrate your efforts–the board looks awesome and your methods irreproachable. The ideas about keeping the wood in a dry-climate location were a reminder to me that we all still have plenty to learn. Keep up the good work!

Aloha nui nui,


ok i got to shaping room then what

they is 27 on the topix

em i doin’ it?

guess i’ll scroll for now…


heavy balsa

is in my yard…

Wow, no denigration taken! I’ve seen Skip’s work and now yours…you both are the epitome of “any job doing is worth doing right.” A rare thing these days.

Page 4 - WTF?

This should be back on top.

Any more progress or have you been practicing your lines for the Sacred Craft presentation?

I really would like to see the board in person up at Plaskett Creek. That shape looks slicker than snot.

Best of luck this weekend!

I decided to put a stringer in it. I made it last weekend but it needs to be joinered (joined? Help me Skip!). I’ve just got to find the time to jet over to Keith’s and make some sawdust. I’ll post pictures up as we glue.

The board is not going to make it to Plaskett unfortunately. I might not either…keeping my fingers crossed.

Sacred Craft what’s that…ohhhhhhhh yeah. Better think of something to say, quick!


I decided to put a stringer in it. I made it last weekend but it needs to be joinered (joined? Help me Skip!).

Stop by anytime.I’m just up the road

Update…put in a nice redwood stringer, glued it up (photo), finish shaping, sealed it with some lam resin and now I’m waiting on some better weather to glass it up. I’m so itching to get this in the water!!!

More photos please…

She looks great Lee!

I have some epoxy resin left over from Surf4fins’ latest project. If the poly guys down south don’t have time for the board send her up to North County. I’ll have some free time at the end of Dec.


Hey Ray - Lee and I glassed it yesterday. But if you’re looking for something to do, I shaped a board for a friend and he wants a Martin Potter-retro airbrush on it…I know you love doing that stuff. Maybe in a couple weekends we should have a get together?


I’m glad you glassed it…less hassle for me…Ha Ha…

The second job is on Saturday and Sunday…all day…send me a PM ,set a date ,let me know 2 weeks in advance and I’ll take the day off. I would love to play around with my paint stuff at your place…Just airbrushed two boards for Surf4fins…hope he likes my concepts…


Balsa 2Balsa 1

Finished board, all nice and shiney with no where to go…If you wondered why its so flat in SoCal, this is the reason.

What’s the length?

It sure looks good w/o any graphics

Skip…I was going to add a photo resource but…Mr. Photoboy here, couldn’t get it to work so I’ll do it here. The board is 7’10 x 19 3/4" x 3" and weighs in at 17.77 lbs. Heavier than I planned but for the surf I will be using it in, flicking around is not really what I want to do.

Learned a lot shaping and glassing this board. It’s the details that separate us hacks from Rennie and Jim Phillips. The little mistakes that don’t show up in foam stick out pretty big in wood. Still, it was a great experience that I’d love to do again.
Balsa Deck

Balsa Profile

what a great lens! you look

six feet six inches tall

and the board like wise 9’

and wow thin too!

the board of course

will be a contender

for the greatest board

in the geological history

of the universe to be held

on betelgeuse 4 ,a mere

fourteen earth centuries

from now thank go

you glassed it so well.

the test of time

in the construction period

is a grand test,and this board

is well worth the wait .

I forsee some kid just aching to

spray can that deck …

guard it well

I hear somthing out back behind the garage…


WHADDDDDDAAA bitchin board.

