Balsa can you ID this board?

This board was rescued from the landfill in coastal North Carolina.  It has a 3 ply stringer and a glassed on “composite” fin with colored fiberglass center sandwiched between glassed over wood.  Would love to hear any details available on it.

Dave D




Hi Dave,

this is a Joël Roux shape, probably shaped in Biarritz around 1973/1975. Joël started shaping around 1967, using whatever foam he could find (usually the one used for refrigerator trucks). He was the one who glassed a few of my very first boards because he was already good at it and I sucked… The ply and fiberglass fin is typical of those that he glassed on my own boards (he made them himself). Today, Joël is a sculptor and painter.

I guess that the blank used for this board was a Clark blown under license by Barland at his factory since he was currently using those plywood stringers.

Not sure I can tell you much more about that board, especially how she found her way to North Carolina from Biarritz… Anyway i’ll be glad to answer any other question if I can.

Balsa,  Thanks for the info.  My friend that has it is always coming across some neat stuff.  He strips old boards and shapes them into “Pop Art” fish and anything else that comes to mind.  When a board like this comes along it becomes a “museum piece” and gets put on the wall or in the rafters at his shop.  I  bet that board could tell some stories.  Thanks again and take care.

Dave D