Balsa Plywood - Anybody had a play with this stuff?

Just been sent a small sample of this stuff. Looks great if it comes thin enough.


about 10 years ago Ben Sparks (famous Benny1) sent me a box of end grain balsa scrim used for boat building that he used for his rails.
Still have the box lying around somewhere with all the rest of my stuff.

I make my own balsa ply using alternating strips of balsa and cork for my rails.
Something I learned from paul Jensen.
real easy to build out 3/4 to 1" of rail that way just shaping them is a challenge because of the different textures
that’s why I switched to a single band of 1" thick high density foam like corecell or precision board or blue dow XPS
way faster and simpler to shape
better than trying to bend 1/4 balsa around rails with a torch like my brother does.

Fiberglass Supply hooked me up with a 4x8 sheet of 2.7 mm paulownia ply… Deck shins for the next board…   Hey Bernie, what adhesive are you using for the blue foam on rails… I used latex based contact cement and it worked well… Dry times were about a half hour and temperature and humidity are things to recon with… The good stuff is kind of pricey too…