a couple of friends have asked for me to make boards for thier kids, which is great cause i want to shape but my quiver is getting a little overstocked (at least thats what the wife says), I’m sooo addicted. One’s for a 15yr. boy who’s a decent skater. The other is for a 13yr. girl who’s thin as a rail and just south of 6’ tall. Would an egg 7’6"-8’ be a good board to learn on or would same size mini log be better? I’ve never riden an egg but I figure they would be fairly forgiving for a newbie. How does this sound for an egg, 16.5n 21.25w 14.75t width about 3-4" aft of center, slight V in the last 24", single fin for the girl and 2+1 for the young man? thanks for any comments JR
that sounds good. just start off with a general shape then go from there. they can always tell you what they might want diff. for board # 2. no one can have just one stick!!! at least not me. good luck