I am really interested in shaping my own boards. Is there any one with experience in shaping retro fishes and shortboards that could guide me? Is there also anyone in San Diego that is willing to help me out with shaping, letting me watch, etc…? And lastly, wat do u guys recommend should i start with a blank or should i just strip down an old board and work of that and then reglass it?
Is there also anyone thats shapes boards locally for under $300 so i could add to my quiver?
Lots of guys on this site can help with shaping. Buy the shaping 101 video and the shaping video with Jim Phillips. Read through the archives on this site and come back with specific questions. I know someone that can shape you a board for well under 300 bucks. You can. Mike
I’m shaping a Lis fish from that EPS foam that can be bought at home depot or lowes. Check out the archives, there is tons of info. This stuff is really easy to work with, the only tools you really need are jewlers saw for the cut-out and some 60 grit sandpaper for shaping.
Hey dutch, whats the story with that foam at Home Depot ??? Is it easy to work with ? Do you have to put the stringer in it ? I pay $48.00 for a blank from Clark Foam, is it that easy to make your own, or do you just like the project part of it.
dutch- did you have to glue the peices of foam together? Or were you able to get a peice that’s thick enough? There seems to be a trend amoung new shapers and retro fishes… I’m not knocking you, I’m right where you are!
HomeDepot, Lowes, OrchardSuppy, YardBirds foam is styro insulation, the white being open celled, the blue or pink closed cell, and needs epoxy resin for lam, unless you really believe the Oregon idea of 3 coats of Latex paint, then poly resin.
Comes 4x8, in thickness from 1, 2, and 4".
You can stringer or lam multiple layers, depends on your needs and rocker table. Lotsa styro epoxy boards have no stringers, the rest have stringers either Elmered or Epoxy’ed.
It seems like a monetary savings, but takes considerably more labor, which sometimes counts also.
Sorry about the reply time. I bought 1 piece of 1 1/2 EPS, cut it in half, glued with rocker and ended up with a 3" thick blank. Although this stuff only cost me 14 dollars (California), I think I'll see that savings robbed by the epoxy resin which is about $70 a gal + $25 hardener. I did my first lam coat today and it is taking forever to dry, it has been raining lately.
I think most young shapers are turned on to the lis fish and other retro shapes because we are tired of the surf industry that is shoved down our throats. I have no admiration to be one of the surf "gods" plastered all over the Huntington surf shops, I want to glide and carve like the 60's and 70's guys.....who had soul.