Best Blank for 205lb noserider

I want to make a noserider for a 205 lb surfer. What is the best blank for this? What should the rails look like from the nose on? Is a concave nose the best? What are the best nose and tail rockers? What type and size of tail? I surf at GWest, 21st st. and South Side of the HB Pier mostly. Occasional trips to Mex and C. America. Looking forward to the input. Thanks, Magoo has all the info you need on size etc. ( 10’5"S is probably what you want. I want to make a noserider for a 205 lb surfer. What is the best blank for > this? What should the rails look like from the nose on? Is a concave nose > the best? What are the best nose and tail rockers? What type and size of > tail? I surf at GWest, 21st st. and South Side of the HB Pier mostly. > Occasional trips to Mex and C. America. Looking forward to the input. > Thanks, Magoo

I want to make a noserider for a 205 lb surfer. What is the best blank for Check out an Farberow model, by Anderson for ideas on the properties that make a good nose rider. The rails are kinda 50/50 all the way from nose to tail. There is little nose rocker, but there is a pronounced kick in the tail. there is concave under the nose and the board is very heavy. I watch guys, and gals surf this model all the time at Malibu and the noserides they are getting are insane! It will probably be my next stick! Bob