best ding repair in the Bay Area???

i blew out the rail fin and box on my standard thruster.

the board was a gift and due to my meager skills i’m not

too comfortable attempting it myself. i was wondering if

any Swaylockers around the SF Bay recommended anyone.

thanks in advance,


Easy one, Chris.

Alex Martins. OBSF/Mavericks guy. Super-friendly, fast turnaround, reasonable prices, out in the Sunset (you’re there all the time anyway, yeah?).

four one five six nine nine two three eight oh.

thanks Benny i figured you’d know of someone

In Santa Cruz

“New Beginnings”

Ralph: 247-3474

None better IMHO.

No Worries, Rich

Alex is my neighbor, nice guy.And a pretty good surfer.


Best…ding repair guys vary in the complexity of jobs they can attack, proficiency of repair, speed, and cost.

Alex Martins can do easy to moderately difficult jobs, works fast, does very clean good work, and is really inexpensive. And he is a friend of mine, a good guy, a great surfer.

If you had high end stuff I would take it to SF Surfshop. Blown finbox, color matching, gloss, etc. They can do jobs of any difficulty level, extremely professionally, slowly, and cost an arm and a leg…well, not really an arm and a leg, but cost more…for when you need the job to be done perfectly.

In SF those were really the only two ding repair options.

Santa Cruz has others. And there is another friend of mine, big G, in the South Bay

Any of those three know me, and would be happy to hear I’m still alive someplace…

I’m pretty sure Felix Alfaro is still doing ding repair south of SC, and he is also quite good. Sand Dollar Ding Repair if you can find it.

HTH, stay stocked.

thanks for the info guys.

Sways saves the day again!

I LOVE the repairs I’ve had at the Haut shop - flawless repairs on my Velzy and G&S boards.