That's a source of fire you couldn't have seen coming, for sure. My fire extinguishers are right by my door (I keep about 3). PU foam gives off nasty gasses when it burns, that's one of the reasons fire marshals hate shaping rooms. EPS contains a fire retardent that will make your fire marshal hate you slightly less.
The reason to mount the extinguisher by the door is that your first instinct is to exit the building. If the extinguisher is by the door, and you think that you can contain the fire , the extinguisher is in a “safe” zone. If it is in the middle of the room, you put yourself in danger to get to the extinguisher. All exits should have the proper extinguisher, with a full charge.
I had 90% eps in my room. It burns and melts in fire balls. I ran down stairs and he had already open the garage door 1st mistake. when I ran in the room it was 10 x10 floor to sealing half the room was up in flames. Its a long story but it is in the past and I have moved on to make it better.
You know the extinguisher was in the middle and at the time I thought I would want it in reach like all my tools? Every shaper should have one or two.
The other issue is the building had a history of grow ops. With wiring being screwed with. So who knows why things like that happens. Whats weird is I hadn’t used the room all week and it had been fine for almost a year. Then one day it happens?
Shit Happens
After the fact.
Take a few seconds and check out how safe your Boardroom is and how to make it safer.
And you think that GL’s rooms are wired well!
It’s stood the test of time! 40 years later. I can’t live my life worrying about things I have no control of. I’m just stoked that GL gave me a room to call home.
Gee, too bad about the mini-van.
That Van was the best thousand dollar car I ever had. It ran for years then the rear end fried!
Thanks for sharing guys. How about a thread on how to sharpen a plane for the newbie (me).
Hey Chrisp, check this one out.
Hey Sano thanks for the idea. I have a hell of a time with a spokeshave for some reason so this is awesome. I tweeked my plane a little bit more, i shortened the back as well. Still need to round off the blade. Works great! Thanks again
[img_assist|nid=1064118|title=Trim plane|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=1064119|title=Trim plane|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]
Lookin’ good!
Thanks Chrisp! Kinda wish I would have bent the front up like the back,next one.Works great though! Thanks for enlarging the pics,I couldnt figure that out.
Terry Martin takes the corners off his small block planes, but the secret isn’t just the outline of the blade. He sharpens them in a bowl-shaped stone every 2-3 passes. He prefers stones that have been worn down into the bowl shape, and says that factory shaped stones aren’t the same.