Best Shaper in the World

Who do you think is the best shaper in the world?(alive or passed on).If you want we can have two categories…classic longboards and modern shortboards.This could be interesting if you think about it.

I think it would be better to have three categories… the fin shapers (fin designers) have a great work too… Do you know a guy called George Grenough?, hehe, he gave us good equippement. Good Waves, Coque.

What a question! For longboards I’d have go with Bob Olsen (Ole), there seems to be some “magic” in his work. I like Rusty for shortboards But there are so many others, this is like one of those “what is your favorite song” type of questions [smile]

Who do you think is the best shaper in the world?(alive or passed on).If > you want we can have two categories…classic longboards and modern > shortboards.This could be interesting if you think about it. I know! Hands down! But,I’m not gonna tell you, yet!!!

That question is too general and can never be truthfully answered. Instead, of all the boards you have owned, which shaper made you that magic stick? Answer for me: Steve Brom SteveA

Best board I ever owned…shaped by Bruce Jones

Best board I ever owned…shaped by Bruce Jones I don’t believe the “Chosen One” has yet to come grasshopper!

I think it would be better to have three categories… the fin shapers > (fin designers) have a great work too…>>> Do you know a guy called George Grenough?, hehe, he gave us good > equippement.>>> Good Waves, Coque. or his friend Paul Gross,who gets my vote.Not only did he work with George(and others)on fin design, he has foiled hundreds of them bad boys over the years.He rocks as a board shaper as well!

That question is too general and can never be truthfully answered. > Instead, of all the boards you have owned, which shaper made you that > magic stick? Answer for me: Steve Brom>>> SteveA I tend to vote for guys like Jim Phillips and Terry Martin who have been shaping non stop for like 50 years or so.They can shape anything plus glue up blanks out of foam or balsa.All of this craftsmanship with little or no mention from the surf media.I have had the pleasure of working with these guys and just watching the way that they handle tools is amazing…almost a dance.I tend to agree that this is a pretty tough subject.

Who do you think is the best shaper in the world?(alive or passed on).If > you want we can have two categories…classic longboards and modern > shortboards.This could be interesting if you think about it. Almost all of the boards I’ve ridden have been magic (even one of mine!). I feel privileged to have ridden boards by the following who are all the best: Doug Haut, John Mel, Rennie Yater, Greg Liddle, Larry Mabile, Skip Frye, Mike Eaton, and Mitzven. As far as a hand shaped fin…who else but Greg Liddle. Newbs

Almost all of the boards I’ve ridden have been magic (even one of mine!). > I feel privileged to have ridden boards by the following who are all the > best: Doug Haut, John Mel, Rennie Yater, Greg Liddle, Larry Mabile, Skip > Frye, Mike Eaton, and Mitzven. As far as a hand shaped fin…who else but > Greg Liddle.>>> Newbs Oh yeah, for the best guy with needle, thread, scissors, and glue, I nominate Dale Solomonson!

Oh yeah, for the best guy with needle, thread, scissors, and glue, I > nominate Dale Solomonson! …My vote for best shaper is Joe Quigg.Best magic boardssssssss.Mike Diffenderfer.His board’s saved my life many time’s.Thank you Mike.

Oh yeah, for the best guy with needle, thread, scissors, and glue, I > nominate Dale Solomonson! …Best shaper.Joe Quigg.Best magic boardssssssssssssss.Mike Diffenderfer.

…Best shaper.Joe Quigg.Best magic boardssssssssssssss.Mike Diffenderfer. Joe Quigg…yep still alive and well in Hawaii?First guy to build light balsa short boards…meant for girls but it took off like a rocket at Malibu.Not to mention his paddle boards.Joe Quigg and Matt Kivlin started the revolution in design…Dale Velzy and Hobie Alter created a surf industry.

Who do you think is the best shaper in the world?(alive or passed on).If > you want we can have two categories…classic longboards and modern > shortboards.This could be interesting if you think about it. Tough call. I have to put into two categories. My choice for high performance boards is Ben Aipa. Every board he makes me is magic. Ben watches me surf, and turns out unbelievable boards. For big waves and critical situations, Roger Hinds is my choice for my guns. Awesome shapes and unreal attention to detail and quality. Great to have total faith in your equipment when your pushing over the ledge.

Oh yeah, for the best guy with needle, thread, scissors, and glue, I > nominate Dale Solomonson! Yeah, yeah, yeah… Hey, thanks, Newbs! But all I mostly use is a lot of electricity and masking tape… just smoke and mirrors. Dale

Who do you think is the best shaper in the world?(alive or passed on).If > you want we can have two categories…classic longboards and modern > shortboards.This could be interesting if you think about it. This question is almost impossible to answer. But I will say that I think Ben Aipa is probably one of the most versatile shapers in the world today. He doesnt pidgeon hole himself into one school. He can shape a classic three stringer longboard like he did with Surfboards Makaha in the 60’s, or a paper thin high performance sliver and anything in between. I just saw a couple of twin finned stingers he shaped at the glass shop that does my boards. At 62, hes still going for it, and his shapes, long or short are cutting edge.

Tyler’s the man! Old school, New school, long or short, I love his boards.

…GOD !

  • Bob Miller * of ASD. He was shaping for Ole years back. I’ve surfed lots of boards before and the boards he shapes just work the best. George Green is a great glasser as well. Quality work. ----Michael