I’ll be in the area next week and am looking to get out somewhere within an hour or two of Orlando, between Wednseday and Friday. Just looking for decent waves, hopefully not too crowded. Also need to rent a board, preferably a log (small waves) or anything smaller (bigger waves). Foam and glass if at all possible. Water temperature? What kind of rubber are we looking at? Thanks for any help you can give, and happy holidays to all!
Ryan - head straight east (1 hour) on SR 528 to Cape Canaveral, it ends on A1A. Go south (right) to Cocoa Beach and keep going until South A1A and North A1A merge. About 1/2 mile down on your right is Natural Art Surf Shop. They rent longboards (foam and glass!), and you can park there and surf right across the street. Nice beachbreak with long lefts and peak - ish rights. Water temp is in the low 60’s so a springsuit should suffice. Check surfline.com for wave reports, right now it looks like New Smyrna to St. Augustine are getting small waves although @ this time of year a swell can pop up quick. Check a little further south too, Indianatlantic can get quite good, and you can rent boards @ Longboard House and surf right across the street. Good luck, Bruce from Georgia (formerly Central Fla.). p.s. - while you’re in Natural Art, check out Cocoa Beach Surf Museum and the O’hare longboards too!
2nd Light, Patrick’s Airforce Base in Cocoa, take the 528 to A1A and keep going south until you see the beach. Sebastian’s Inlet south of Melbourne (keep on A1A if you want or take I-95 south off of the 528). St. Augustine is good, so is the jetty north of Flagler Ave. in New Smyrna. It’s been mostly small lately, but like he said, stuff can pop up.
p.s.s. - www.twopalms.com for more central fla. cams and reports …
Bruce and Sean, thanks a lot for your help. Nice to know there are fellow wave sliders out there willing to help out! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year- ryan
ryan, best choice near orlando is either cocoa or melbourne, which are neighbors. u’ll need just a cheap 3/2. if ur from canada or soemthing u could prob get away without wearing one, my buddy did last weekend. dont bother going to seb. find a nice reef in mel, try right behind the holiday inn, always was my fav reef down there. good luck hope u score