Best threads the last six months?

Been hell busy trying to make a living and havent had time to look around.

Whatever happened with the EPS vs. Red foam battle of the sexes?

Did the equal density comparison ever pan out?

Michael? Others?



Bill Barnfield in the Channel and suction thread

I liked the “Long Gliders” by Balsa/Guilhem. There are some of the nicest boards I’ve seen on this thread. They are all exceptional, but Ace’s really caught my eye.

i stopped paying attention to the battle thread when it was spiraling out of control. good intentions and generosity duly punished...

i don't know if it was ever finished???

here's a couple of my favorites:


Balsa’s travels to CA was a good one.

Aight....will check those out over the weekend when i have more time. I came back to check out what people were saying about AI's death. Shocking and sad. 

This economy has my undies in a bunch....gotta hustle to stay ahead of the wolf pack!

thanks bros....

You might like this one too :

Welcome back, btw.

bars of soap thread is a goody...lots of pics always makes threads better in my opinion too, and plenty of involvement.....still going but has died off a bit but should come back to life shortly.....

also liked the 'less fins' thread....