best way to trace a board to make a template?

Don’t get why people bump anchient stuff back to the top.  Then again there isn’t much being posted here these days so I suppose anything is better than nothing.

Just buy a Carpenters pencil at Lowe’s.

Well  most of the really old threads are “bumped up” by [Moderator Delete]

Tut Tut ,  be nice to us old people .

Yeah facts are harder to live with than myths.   So does whoever the moderator is that deleted my post have the balls to come out from behind the curtain and say so in the light of day?

I sent you a PM the minute I did it, at 9:11 AM PST.   If you want, I can copy/paste what I said in that PM right here.   Or, you can check your messages and do it yourself.        

Sheesh i was just trying to obtain some info on the tool yorky described (relevant shaping stuff) To me, who cares when it was originally posted…it is on here for a reason. Lets not fill the thread with some bs that does not matter. Thank you for the info mcding and others who chimed in with helpfulness.

Here’s some facts: The forum has rules, the forum has moderators, the moderators do the best they can to enforce the rules, as they see fit…  thats all the explanation I think anyone other than Mike Paler deserves.

If you can understand that, you can pretty much figure out why a thread got moved, locked, or edited. If anyone wants to complain that the moderating is imperfect, well guess what, the moderators are imperfect.  We work for free, and we do the best job we can.  End of story, IMO.   

And there is a lot of good info in the old threads. Just sayin’.

I think necro-posts are great, Qs & As    Info etc consolidated in one/fewer threads/places-makes finding and sharing info  WAY easier than having it spread out in a bunch of redundant threads. 

Whatever.  You and your daddy should take a break from it.  Neither of you are as important as you think you are.

where’s roy?’

lets get some air boourne spores

in  the hotcoat…for the anthropological



