Big Boy Blank

Michael Hynson;    The "Stretch" was a Hynson deal.  He and Frye brought a couple of them to Morey's contest at "C" Street. where they made their debut.  Skip has mentioned in subsequent interveiws that Hynson was the major shaping influence on him at that time.    Those two boards were under nine feet by the way.  Eight-six I think.  The only reason Munoz won the thing was because the judges totally missed and failed to score a wave and noseride of Hynson's.  My buddies and I had been sleeping under the grandstand the night before and we stumbled onto that contest by accident.  Pulled in and parked next to Weber and Iggy in the black Malibu wagon with the boards out the back.  Sat there for awhile and watched Tom Padaca out noseride David.   Then pulled out and went up to Mary's.

Also posted these up on the build thread.  Dims are there.

9'9" x 22 7'8", 4.25" thick.  Sanded finish without fins is 20lbs.

Yellow Surfblanks foam, thanks to Marty.