Big Wave Hold Downs

Anybody have any good breathing exercises to build up lung capacity? I am hoping to be able to hold my breath longer inorder to endure those big wave hold downs. I’ve gotten really worked in the past and I am wanting to put a stop to that. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks Andy

Anybody have any good breathing exercises to build up lung capacity? I am > hoping to be able to hold my breath longer inorder to endure those big > wave hold downs. I’ve gotten really worked in the past and I am wanting to > put a stop to that. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks Andy…Martial Arts breathing exercises are key!!!Most untrained people breath incorrectly,with only using 40% or so of there lung cap.You need to re-train yourself in how to breath…If you would like more info. on this, ASK AWAY!!! Also, if you know it’s going to be a bad wipeout,relaxx,and go for the ride,the more you fight it, the more O2 your body eats up!..I my self pretend that it’s a big warm blanket going over me, and I just go to sleep, if I wake up here, I live to surf another wave, if not…I’ll surf there too! Some people call this a Zen trance.Herb.

Andy…You gotta, repeat, GOTTA SWIM, brah! This will surely increase your lung capacity several fold. It may even save your life someday. Don’t know where you live or if your h20 is very clean where you are…but brian keaulana has the famous routine where he carries lava boulders underwater and runs with them! T.

Where can I get more info on Martial Arts breathing exercises? I’ve heard of these types before but never had any explaination. It has to do with breathing from your diapham, does it not? I am really interested in finding out what you know. How does this whole thing work? Thanks for the response this sounds really interesting. Andy

ah yes… the old zen trance trick>>> Also, if you know it’s going to be a bad wipeout,relaxx,and go for the > ride,the more you fight it, the more O2 your body eats up!..I my > self pretend that it’s a big warm blanket going over me, and I just go to > sleep, if I wake up here, I live to surf another wave, if not…I’ll > surf there too! Some people call this a Zen trance.Herb.

First,take your shirt off.THEN take a deep breath as you would normally do.If your gut sucks in and your chest sticks out…your breathing wrong. What you need to do is: as you breath in,push down on your diaphram(just the opposite with the way you normally breath).Your stomach should stickout,as your lungs fill up. WHEN YOU EXHALE[tongue]ull up on your diaphram(like to suck in your gut and stick out your chest). THE BEST WAY TO SEE THIS IS:when you ly down, as to relax or to sleep(when you sleep you will actually breath correctly).You will see your stomach rise when inhaling.and fall when exhaling. IN TIME:this breathing exercize will become automatic. Also:breath in thru nose…out thru mouth… This is not all of my knowledge on “CHI”(def. of “chi” is air) by any means, but it will get you started,and when you get into a bad situation,be it surfing or whatever in life, repeat this to yourself:The sun is warm…the grass is green,and breath in thru nose out thru mouth…THESE GIFTS I HAVE PASSED ON TO YOU, IF PRACTICED, WILL HELP YOU THOUGHOUT YOUR LIFE. LATER ON,IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED: CONTACT ME BY e-mail or here. Nothing will replace hands on teaching which I would like to do with you,but sometimes that’s impossible.If you have the desire you will find someone like me that will teach you.I have had several great instructors in my life!Herb.

Anybody have any good breathing exercises to build up lung capacity? I am > hoping to be able to hold my breath longer inorder to endure those big > wave hold downs. I’ve gotten really worked in the past and I am wanting to > put a stop to that. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks,ndy, Andy, Anaerobic interval training is excellent… there is lots of good information available on going beyond your usual aerobic oxygen intake, whether it be swimming, running, etc. If you`re curious, try checking the following websites:

Herb, Thank you for the information you passed on. I have begun practicing your correct breathing instructions. I will continue to make a conscience effort to do so in my daily routine. I am very much interested in finding out much more info. on this subject. I am leaving my email address: Hopefully we can discuss this matter further and any other tips or exercises would be much appreciated. Thanks Andy