Bio Resin?

Anybody used this stuff?

Is it legit, or pretty much just the same as any epoxies with some fancy certificates to say its envirnomentally friendly. 

I’m doing a “sustainable” surfboard project for uni, and am considering giving it a go in a vac layup.

Eco-friendly is cool but not always the same boards that we commonly know. I tried this stuff early on. It was still being developed. Seemed much weaker than Epoxy or Poly resins. Needed to double up on the cloth for strength. May try with some Burlap cloth. I’ve played with that on some wood board projects. Vac lay-up may be a good way to lay up the cloth. Good luck! Post some pics.


Used it with decent success on a mini simmons I made over the summer. Glass job is holding up strong so far, but being the ameteur glasser that I am, it has some holes in it so my board isnt exactly watertight. I prefer West systems (only other epoxy I’ve used), but in general I just hate epoxy…vac layup would be the way to go, because this stuff is awful to spread.

But go ahead and try it! It definitely works as surfboard resin.

Oh, and get the quick drying. Slow can take over a day to fully cure…

thanks for the heads up barry. if it’s going to be weaker it might defeat the purpose - more breakages = more resources on boards = less sustainable is the tact i am taking for the assignment. 

I think i will go with some familiar resin, so thta the results of these experiments aren’t skewed!




   gregs resin on the goldy or kinetics


dont get bogged down with the bullshit


 cheers huie

Hi Pirate- We have tested both of the Entropy Surf Resins and they work great.  The Super Sap you are inquiring about obviously has a yellow tint to it and looks great if that is the look you are looking for.  This resin works greats on wood as you can’t even tell the resin has that yellow tint.  The biggest difference with this resin is that it is very slow to kick and slow to harden.  As far as strength goes it seems to be just as strong as the other epoxies.  The best person to give technical data on these resins in Rey (the chemist).  Maybe he’ll chime in soon.  We do stock both resins if it’s something you want to give a ride.

Good luck-


Green…Bio…can you drink it?No? Then it’s poison.  I like junk. I  buy and sell junk. Now if I buy a piece of junk at the auction and resell it to a Rich Hipster I am "recycling’ and the junk is “repurposed”.  This shit makes me laugh.


Not a fan It looks wierd dries super slow and one of the 2 boards we used it on snapped after 3 sessions. Our other epoxy that we use hasnt had any failures. 


yeah i’ve been using RR and CET so far, with good results for regular lams. 

Wasn’t unable to get my hands on RR and CET in a hurry this time, so using FGI R180 with the slow hardener for my first go at bagging lams, its in the bag right now so we’ll see how it comes out. it was a lot thinner than the RR (which i guess is good for bagging?