bird in hand............#001

I just finished shaping and glassing my first board. I think it’s gonna be a good one.

6’ 6" • 20 1/8 • 2 1/2

nose - 14"

tail - 14 1/2"

Wide point +2" from center

Sorry I don’t have rocker measurements.

The bottom is very flat and the fins are toed in at 1/8" with a 5degree cant.

The rails are tucked.

Blank 6’9" A superblue

Glass - top & bottom 6lb. with deck patch (ending in a diamond forward of front foot. Strong and light actually.

Basically, I found the outline I wanted off an existing board, traced the template and modified it as I went. The Clark/Hitachi planer I was using keeled over after skinning the deck, so I did the whole board with a sureform, block plane and thumb plane.

The main deal for me was to make something that was my own creation and to learn from my own investigations. I have a 7’ Minami tri-egg, which I love the weight/glide of, and I wanted to capture those characteristics in a shorter board.

Each step was so gratifying. It looks like it may be fast, which was what I was going for. I have always liked riding PU Pe boards so I’m glad I got to shape a Clark blank.

Thanks to all of you on Swaylocks who are contributing to creative design. You have helped me in many ways. If anyone is interested, I will let you know how it rides, as there is a big swell hitting us up here mid-week.



Of course it’s a good one, it’s your first, the most inspirational board that you will ever make…the first one. You can never do that again. I wish I could do that again.

No matter how it goes, you will make it go well, learn a lot from it, then make a better one.

Very stoked for you.

Thanks Wildy,

I like your way of looking at it. I really enjoyed the blindness I had going into all this. Now I will try something completely different and be just as blind.

Looks good, reminds me of my first recenlty :), 6’6", hardly any rocker, 2 1/2, I just shifted my mid point back… and have a narrower nose with a wider tail. Good luck with the surf

I REALLY like that outline !

looks as though it would go well as a thruster AND a single fin .

makes me want to make a 6’2-6’4 thruster looking at those shots !

enjoy your great Christmas present , you must be STOKED mate !

cheers !


Hey Ben,

Good call. The board I ripped the template off from was a single fin. If you can believe it, the tail was much rounder. I originally wanted to put a box in the back but I was too impatient (and didn’t have one). I guess I can always build another one. I am really really stoked on this board.

It has very very little tail rocker and the fins are hardly toed in, so I hope it turns a little at least. But if it gets me in the pocket and under the lip I can’t complain.


Nice looking board, Rob! After you ride it for a while, you can always grind off that center fin, route in a hole, and drop a 10.5" box in there. I tinker a lot with my earlier boards, especially with fin setups. I suspect we’ll see a lot more of that given the current blank situation–could lead to some interesting discoveries…


I think your right. I wouldn’t hesitate to take off all of em (after about 20 surfs) and drop in inserts with a box in back. I would like to try it as a single, twin and maybe a quad. I was thinking something like Ben’s orange board (that one with all the fin options).

The glass is pretty heavy, so I’m not really worried about hurting the thing. Plus, I have an extra gallon of pe resin floating around that needs to be played with.

Thanks for the feedback,
