Hello to all from sunny (and hot as seven hells) SC. Finished shaping my 1st “beer cooler” board and wanted input on the finish sanding grit before laminating. For general info I will be sealing with RR epoxy prior to the lamination. Thanks.
Let me be more specific. Is there any reason to go finer than 250 grit on a final sand?
i certainly dont have much experience seeing ive only made one board, but i hand sanded my blank with 80 grit and everything turned out fine
Why if you’re sealing the balnk with a baste solution?
Your gonna have to sand it again…
I was thinking the finer the grit will 1. reveal any imperfections with contour flow hidden by a more agressive grit 2. as the shape is a finer platform successive laminations will be easier to apply with little sanding done between laminations to compensate for original surface irregularities. 220 seems to have worked fine. Thanks for your responses. On a side note no power tools have yet been used with this project and I’ve got a laundry list of things to be tried on the next board already.
Hey Philo1,
No reason to go any finer than 150 IMHO.
If you wipe the board down with alcohol after you baste it with resin you won’t need to sand it. I’ve used the technique and it works great. If you want to keep the board from yellowing you can add a little white pigment to the the baste coat.
No Worries, Rich
What does the alcohol wash do?
Rich… Tell me about that fin in your new avatar!
(Sorry to go OT. Just had to ask as soon as I saw it. )
Hey philo1,
This is one of those threads that is wondering away from the original topic. I know – one thing leads to another.
Suffice it to say that resin will sheet and adhere much better to a grease free, dust free surface. Alcohol is the ticket when it comes to epoxy. I use it for my brushes and rollers. A paper towel seems the best thing to use to wipe the board down – no lint, low cost.
I did change the picture by my name. I’d attach it below but I dow see the option on the screen. It doesn’t show up for me yet on my screen yet either but I guess it does for you. It’s a photo of a 12.0" Lance Carson Standard longboard fin that I custom made for my buddy Al Baggett’s 11’6" Turboglide. He wanted a fin an inch thick so I made the fin from high density foam and polyester ~ 6 oz glass. The photo is of the fin just after it was foiled before I added the fabric inlay – double 6oz shell over it. It’s in the resource archives. The fin is within acceptable tolerences for Al and he’s riding it. He says the board is so big tha he can’t feel any difference between it and the solid poly fin Lance supplies with the board but he adds – it is pretty and lots of people comment on it.
Good Waves, Rich
Thanks Rich!
I remember now - Little Al & you put up the final copy which is where I’d seen the template before…
I like the unfinished version