The purpose of screening the blank is to get all the bumps out and is the final step correct? What grade of screen do you finish of with? I have been screening and then fine sanding with 220 as the last step. Is this just extra unnecessary work? Or am I doing it right. Thanks
The purpose of screening the blank is to get all the bumps out and is the > final step correct? What grade of screen do you finish of with? I have > been screening and then fine sanding with 220 as the last step. Is this > just extra unnecessary work? Or am I doing it right. Thanks Sanding screen will only dupicate the surface you pull it over,yes it may appear to take down those bumps ,but infact it just hides them. Clean -up your shape with regular sand paper first then screen . What grit you finish with is a matter of opinion,it varies alot.Herb.