The 9’10H doesn’t seem to be a very popular blank with the shapers I talk to, but there isnt anything else to shape a 9’9" except going all the way up to a 10’1Y, also why is the 9’9 blank really only 9’6"? that is so lame!(clark foam doesn’t have a webpage to whine on,thanks!)
What you need is the 9’8"S, the same thickness profile as the 9’7"B, a true 9’8 1/2" long and glues to many different rockers without distorting. Has a bit thinner nose than 9’7". I use it and like it. I also use the 9’10" when I need it.
What you need is the 9’8"S, the same thickness profile as the > 9’7"B, a true 9’8 1/2" long and glues to many different rockers > without distorting. Has a bit thinner nose than 9’7". I use it and > like it. I also use the 9’10" when I need it. But why would they sell a 9’9" that really only is 9’6"? Most blanks are longer than they say on it…
Only a few of the blanks actually measure longer than the reported size. Most are shorter than the printed size, the reason for this is many shapers measure from the bottom and the distance over the curve is longer than the true size. If you look in any geometry book it will discribe length as the shortest distance between two points, therefore a 9’6" along the bottom is really a 9’4 1/2" when measured from the deck, the true length. Many a competitor has been disqualified in longboard competition due to their boards being too short as the shaper measured from the bottom.