board #1:
5’10" x 21 1/4" x 2 1/2 " from a 6’9" A blank
15" nose 16 1/4" tail
double wing
butt crack 11 1/4" wide 6 3/4" deep
rear fins 5 1/2" up from the tip. no toe in
front fins 11" up. 1/8 toe in
Pro Box Hawaii fin setup. (Robin, they were very easy to install! Thanks!)
single concave to a double flat out behind the fins. flat deck
Used the Krylon H2O spray can paint. White both sides then the color then a clear acrylic sealeant straight on the foam.
Fin plug installed with 3M 5200 fast dry marine sealant. Saw a post that Herb used it.
First inspiration goes to Swaylocks. Then my quad fish by Steve Seebold; 6’2" x22" x 2 1/2" . I shrunk the template down to what I’ve seen being done by Manny and Toby.
Pardal; thanks for the fin setup dimensions!
Got to ride it at C Street going and coming from the Big Sur event. Knee to chest high frontside. FAST! LOOSE! Paddles good, got 4 or 5 from the pack out at the top of the point.
Here comes the pics. Ignore my glassing skills please