board #001

board #1:

5’10" x 21 1/4" x 2 1/2 " from a 6’9" A blank

15" nose 16 1/4" tail

double wing

butt crack 11 1/4" wide 6 3/4" deep

rear fins 5 1/2" up from the tip. no toe in

front fins 11" up. 1/8 toe in

Pro Box Hawaii fin setup. (Robin, they were very easy to install! Thanks!)

single concave to a double flat out behind the fins. flat deck

Used the Krylon H2O spray can paint. White both sides then the color then a clear acrylic sealeant straight on the foam.

Fin plug installed with 3M 5200 fast dry marine sealant. Saw a post that Herb used it.

First inspiration goes to Swaylocks. Then my quad fish by Steve Seebold; 6’2" x22" x 2 1/2" . I shrunk the template down to what I’ve seen being done by Manny and Toby.

Pardal; thanks for the fin setup dimensions!

Got to ride it at C Street going and coming from the Big Sur event. Knee to chest high frontside. FAST! LOOSE! Paddles good, got 4 or 5 from the pack out at the top of the point.

Here comes the pics. Ignore my glassing skills please :wink:

Hey Tim

Had fun hanging out at Big Sur

After a few too many pale ales I thought you and everybody else was named Mike!

Hope the board surfed good.


very cool design

how does she go?

Hey Paul,

thanks. It goes good. The first wave it just scooted out and went. Skatey like you’d want this design to be but it seemed to drive off the bottom ok. Need some more size to really tell. Pray for waves!