Board # 2 build thread

I started board #1 last spring and started a thread but my camera broke and i got caught up in building and school that i didnt keep up with that thread. I just got the supplies to start board #2 so I plan on starting that in about 2 weeks when i start my winter semester at school. My first board was a 5’6" biscuity thing that was most for the small mush we get most of the year on the east coast around Maryland. For this board im looking for something that will still be good for small waves but has more of a performance feel. I’m 6’ 175 and ive been surfing for about 15 years (I’m 21.) I’m getting a block of 2# EPS and already have some RR epoxy. I’m not sure what to do about the glassing schedule, as last time I did 2 layers of 6oz on the top and 1 layer of 6 on the bottom and it came out pretty heavy so i was looking to cut down on some weight. Also, last time I did FCS plugs and it was a pain so I got a Probox kit for this time. I attached the pdf of the shape. Please feel free to commment on the design and the glassing schedule.




Also, I’m not sure what to do for bottom contour. On the last board I did single to double, but I’m not sure if I should do the same for this one. I was thinking just single for some lift in small waves. By the way I plan on doing a 5 fin set up. Any input would be appreciated!



maybe rry double concave set within a vee for easier rail to rail transition with that 15 1/2" tail

O ok thanks. I’m not completely set on the outline though, should i maybe make the tail not as wide? Does everything else look ok?


