My once a year project. Looks like one of those INT boards.
5’10 x 19.2 x 2.25
This board is designed for small beach break stuff. Wanted to get a feel comparing quad vs tri.
First go around with the whole epoxy package. Color work not what i was going for but here is what i did.
I “spackled” with epoxy/microballon slurry. I then taped off star fish(parko rip-off) on bottom and did a marble resin tint inside tape. Then pulled up tape and continued resin tint over rest of the bottom of the blank. But due to the spackled slury the color did not take to the blank very well at all. If you look close at picture you can see the faint star fish(Only the darker tints showed). I still like the idea and will probably try it again in the future with some modifications.
Had the maiden voyage as a quad this morning. Will try the tri after a couple more times around the block as a quad.
have any bigger pics? it’s hard to see.
If I’m not mistaken. You did a paint swirl on the foam? Did you hide it afterward? or sand out the color after it didnt take?
looks great!!!
would be perfect for florida waves…
No, It was a resin swirl on the “spackled foam”. I left as is, which is why the color is faint. Next time i will do swirl in spackling step. I did it on a friends board and work fine.
Having done what i did, does anyone have experience doing resin swirl during lamination with a spackled(microballoon slurry)? Does it take to nice colors?
As far as larger pics send me a pm with email and i can do it that way. My pics are too large and then i did the photobucket deal and thats the size they came out.
I like it
Maybe someone can take one of the bottom photos and make them bigger.
Looks Great to me I like it.
BTW - “Next time i will do swirl in spackling step” there was a thread a while back on doing just that, foam stain/swirl + sealing in one go good results.
I think your clours work didnt take as the resin couldn’t soak in to the foam. first colour to hit the foam wins, as you’d sealed it with a clear/white slurry thats what won.