It was blown this am but hot so i decided to cleanup the boards-the hot sun took care of the wax and the bottoms were cleaned with some stuff i had from a recent fiberglass shower install – Gel Coat Cleaner–it seems to work well—what does everyone else use? Was using car wax.
It was blown this am but hot so i decided to cleanup the boards-the hot > sun took care of the wax and the bottoms were cleaned with some stuff i > had from a recent fiberglass shower install – Gel Coat Cleaner–it seems > to work well—what does everyone else use? Was using car wax. I’ve alway’s used foam dust from my room. It take’s off wax really well.Some surf shop’s sell this thing called the Pickel. My spelling is on the hurt,sorry.Anyway it’s a sock,left or right,does’nt matter,unless you can only go left or right. Then maybe it does. It’s filled with surfboard foam dust,and you just rub it on the board and the wax is gone.How do it know? Car wax make’s water bead up. I like to wet and dry my board’s with 600 gr.Linear.Water no like sanded bottom.
HOW DO IT KNOW !!!1111