My friend wants for me to teach her how to surf. Ive taught friends in the past and it has always been rewarding. My friend is 23, about 5’8 and at the most 60-65kg. She is a strong swimmer and fit but is a rank beginner. She wants me to make her a board which will be #004 for me. These are my thoughts -
7’8 x 21-22 (w) x 17 (n) x 16 (t) x 2.75 - 3 inches thick. Square or round tail? Single or tri? Is it too big/long/thick/wide etc. Any help much appreciated
I think your measurements sound pretty good for someone of that size and ability. As a general rule of thumb, I find if it feels too heavy to pick up, it’s not going to get any lighter when you take it to the beach.
New beginners need monster boards to get used to standing up and balance, then from a monster to smaller monster after a session or two, then an even smaller monster, pretty soon the size needs for the coming months become more apparent. Beginners love mucho nose scoop. Water temp comfort will be very important.
My first suggestiong would be a 9’0"x22"x3" LB with more nose rocker than a noserider, and a flat bottom…
So now comes the quest for more info before making the recommendation…
What type of surf? (fast beach break, slow rolling wave, pealing, water water reforms on the inside…)
Will it be an area with other LBs or all shortboarders?
Would she be apposed to riding a longboard? and could she be convinced that it is the best place to start? She can always get a short board once she knows how to surf. The progression will be much faster (if the conditions are suitable).