Board identification/info

Hey guys - Long time no post…

I came across this old board and was wondering if anyone could give me any info on make/year/area shaped…anything…?  She’s in rough condition but I love the shape…thinking of doing a restoration.  Its about 7’4" long - I’ll post up better dims soon.  Has a very bonzer type tail section.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Found in NY. 







Original leash??? Its like a bungie cord…

Now that's authentic.  70's Rick "Bonzer" shaped by Becker. Hermosa Beach.  Others can give you more detailed info. 

Yup. Roughly mid 70s, since it’s a Bonzer copy.  If it didn’t have the Bonzer features I would have guessed closer to '71, because it has no leash attachment. See all that damage in the tail? It’s from putting the leash through a hole in the fin. Bad, bad idea.  Especially with the old bungee leashes that had very coarse texture. The things would rip through a rail with ease.

Rick Surfboards 845 PCH, Hermosa Beach. Shaped by Phil Becker.


And, as was discussed in another thread about 70s single fins…I’m certain that board didn’t work worth a damn at any spots in NY. Maybe, at some of the points “out East” during large swells. But, for average NY area surf that is not the right choice, at all.