ok guys, i was picking some blanks up from homeblown the other week and was chatting with Tris about some experiments i want to do and he agreed to sell me a biofoam reject blank real cheap! there was more foam on one side of the stringer so i messed about with one of my templates to even it up. spent a few hours this afternoon shaping it (wanted some more practice with my planer too before i hit the other blanks)
so far im real happy with it, its the thinnest narrowest board ive done so far @ 6’2 1/2 x 19 1/4 x 2 1/2. so im looking forwad to getting it glassed and in the water!
im thinking of putting in five fins like the last board i did (which i dont know how it rides as i have since split up with my girlfriend!). bottom is completly flat with a pinched low rail, hard edges in the last 18".
im thinking off doing a striped bottom with blues and greens with a white pigment deck to hide the colour of the foam, pattern will be similar to the finless board i did in the last photo.
what do you guys think?