Some of you have already seen the painted blank, but i thought i would post a wrap up of the finished board.
The board is a 6’7" winged singlefin 21" wide, about 14" nose and tail…double concave bottom, and hard rails starting about half way down the length of the board…gave it a retro kinda beak, and decided to use some of my artistic license on the wings and had a little fun sculpting them.
All of the art is just acrylic paint straight on the foam…glassed with 4oz on bottom and 4x4 on top. I glassed my first board (a fish) on the porch of my apartment…needless to say it was a REAL pain, so i decided to have someone glass this one for me…which turned out very very well. Glassed by Jeff Hull @ Resist Surfboards in Ventura, ca…gave it to him saturday, and got a call on sunday morning telling me it was all done…hows that for service??
ya, the red and black fish is mine, rode it in overhead surf last week for the first time, loved it! ive made another board inbetween the fish and this one…but i cant really call it my own, as i just hacked up an old funboard and made a single out of it…its my beater…so i guess the count is 2 1/2 in a tad over a month…think ive caught the bug!!!
chip…i do have to wonder how that voice was heard simultaniously, half way around the world, in my head…must be loud! (although i think the next board will be one of those 3-fin bonzers…the fishy shape but with the big square tail and deeeeep concaves…ya…that sounds like fun)
as for now, im going to use the same fin ive got on my other single…an RFK TK flex 8.0…i like it alot, and im more than broke!
heres the rocker…i had to put two pics together…my longboard isnt THAT messed up…
aka: the “bumblebee” , apparently… or “bonzer stubbie”…yeehaaa…my next ‘modification’ project too ! [Moonlight glassing / "T.F.A.D.'s photos have inspired me !]
We can compare notes when they’re both done . For the record , I will be putting in three fcs tabs per side runner …a three finner bonzer , yes , but with options . At the moment , it’s the 5’7 single fin stubbie from last year’s boardmaking efforts [the first one I finished off in Hicksy’s shed !]
dont know how much help ill be in comparing notes…itll be a while till i can notice the different quirks in different boards and know why they act that way…im still working on my skills! (been in the water most of my life boogieboarding and a little surfing, but surfing full time for about 6 months)
the blue stubbie is what im after (from the moonlight thread). i was thinking about using a big center box and then fcs plugs on the side…how hard are those to install? and also…do the plugs pop out the top of the board like i seem to see on alot of boards (pet peeve of mine).
itll be a while till i shape it…shaping 3 boards in a month while just barely scraping together rent kinda emptied out my funds!
Howzit surferguy, First if you're worried about FCS popping through the deck you can add a patch over the area when lamming the deck. I find that it's not the system that cause some damage, it's just the way some people surf. Some surfers bear down really hard when cutting back and dent the deck area around the plugs and usually there's some danage to the rail from this pressure which has nothing at all to do with the system. Also over sanding weakens the deck which is another cause.Aloha,Kokua
aka: the “bumblebee” , apparently… or “bonzer stubbie”…yeehaaa…my next ‘modification’ project too ! [Moonlight glassing / "T.F.A.D.'s photos have inspired me !]
You are not alone! My #1 about to be glassed. 5 fin though…
ive kinda wondered about that myself…heres what ive gathered:
the fin goes all the way through the board…must have routed a hole through the foam…then once slotted in, it was reinforced with some carbon fiber strips along the base of the fin, and then glassed in afterwards…all i can say is that the thing holds well…dunno how many times that fin has hit bottom while my girlfriend surfs it all the way to the sand!