board rocker----need help?

I got a few boards under my belt now and wanting to know more about rocker? Now what I like to know is what makes the board catch waves easyer, paddle easyer? Thanks for all info.

To make an easy paddling board try a low entry(nose)rocker, combined with a high tail rocker. A thick board that will float you will make paddling easier. Keep the width of the board narrow enough so that you are not trying to reach over the rails when paddling, something around your shoulder’s width, maybe a little narrower will help.

Not sure about more tail rocker - I made a board just like that - 4" at nose, 3" at tail - it felt responsive as I was paddling into the wave but seemed to sit back on the tail as I popped up. The board needed a really late take off, but went like lightning if i made it. - Keep the tail rocker low too (2 1/4 ish) if you want ease of take off. A beak helps wave catching (lots of volume at front), if you can bear its looks!

The beak!! Done correctly it is a thing of beauty. Done incorrectly (which is frequent for new shapers), it’s a hideous mess. The beak is an outcome of the nose thickness problem. Most people foil the nose from the bottom, which puts in extra nose rocker. The beak is the way to give the nose foil a pleasing to the eye look while maintaining a low entry rocker. You want to cut in the beak at the stringer line before turning your rails. As you cut your rails you can make it all flow together. Sight the nose rail line from mid board. You should not see any bump in the rail line as you look toward the nose, now you bloody have it! Good luck to all you up and comming shapers!! We need you! Stay stoked!