Board suggestion for headhigh to overhead waves

I have a friend who is going to order a board for 2-3 meter surf. He’s about 6’, ca. 85 kg, intermediate surfer. He normally surfs a 6’5"x19.5"x2.5" board with a slightly rounded nose, more nose area than the generic pointy nose shortboard. Fairly narrow tail, curvy planshape.

He says he wants a board that turn better than his current board without being unstable or sketchy in bigger surf. He also wants a shorter board because he thinks it’s easier to place his feet right on a shorter board and that a shorter board turns quicker. There is no way I can convince him to try anything but a thruster :slight_smile:

Whaddayathink? Please help with some ballpark numbers etc., or the guys at the local surfshop will screw it up again.



Everybody’s different, but I’d suggest you try to talk him into something like a 7’0", 18.5", 11" nose & 12" tail, with a small swallowtail or rounded pin. If he’s going out in 6-10 foot surf that should do ok.

“just one opinion” & “Your mileage may vary”

I use just about any board 9’0" and under in surf 7 feet and under. If you buddy likes a shorter board, then by all means let the man shred. I do prefer using something in the 6’10" range for anything bigger. Also depends on how steep the wave is.