Ok , firstly im really excited to be going to the mentawai islands this june and in preparation I thought id build myself a board for the trip.
I will be my first time to that part of the world so im getting prepared for what boards I will need.
Im thinking of taking 3 boards maybe four if its possible, ill have my shortboard, some kind of fish or fun board, a quad, but I think I need a ‘Step Up’ kind of board.
If anyone has any suggestions for the type of board that would most suit the slightly bigger days for me that would be awesome…
Im 75kg and normally ride a 6’1 0r 6’2 shortboard so as a starter I thought id go 6’4" or 6’5" and about 19" wide by 2 3/4 thick. The extra length and width for paddling should get me into waves around the 6 foot mark ( I doubt ill be surfing massive double overhead :).
Just wondering in terms of rocker and fin set up and tail shape what would be a good combo for a step up kind of board, any input would be great, ill post pics and stuff as I go along.
I went to the Mentawais last May and had a blast. I’m 77 kg and my step up was a 6’4 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 thumbtail thruster and it was plenty board for the waves I was willing to paddle into; could have gone 19 or 19 1/4 wide. 5 1/8 nose 2 1/2 tail rocker.
ahhhh the ments!! Im heading over just after yourself with a bunch of mates. they have all said they taking 2 boards, plus 1 (that I have to make them!)
ill watch this forum with interest as Im wondering myself about boards to take. Im 5'10 and around the 100kg mark (all muscle of course!) My standard shorties are around 6'6" x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 TO 2 3/4., with average to slightly lower rocker.
Im thining this might suit as 'step up' board for myself....and might look to also take something a little fishy?
like yourself not really hannging out for double O'head days, the six foot mark looks oh so fun!
im thinking in case small/flat...also wont be hunting out the steepest /hollowest/shallowest the ments have to offer. i may just end up taking something around my standard short 6'6" x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 TO 2 3/4., and a back up of this in case of damage?
i have also considered something bigger, in case we find a bigger wave that is reasonably easy to surf i,.e not overly heavy/shallow where the extra board might help?
Yes tommy thats the board I was thinking of a thumbtail sounds right, im not too keen on a pintail so something in between would be good.
Yorky, I hadnt thought of a Bonzer but after checking your thread I think I need one!
Hi riderofwaves, Yip Im mainly into riding different boards to spice it up a bit and I really enjoy riding fishes and boards with extra width.
Most of the fish type boards I have built for myself are more hybrids , with lower rails and more rocker than retro fishes, and they dont mind a little bit of size so they should go good over there from what ive seen. I just want to be prepared and having never been over to indo was curious as to what design of board and tail shape went best for you guys if youve had the fortune of going to that part of the world…
Hope to get a blank this week and start shaping soon so I can water test it well before heading over…
Heres a pic sent to me from last years trip , looks pretty good to me!
Thats outline is the sort of thing I think about for step up boards.
Personally I would ditch the fish for indo in June.
My travel boards for Indo and such is 5'11 HPSB, 6'3 x 18 x 2 5/16 Step up similar to the outline of your picture. 6'8 x 18 x 2 3/8 pintail.
Lately though with how precise forecasting is you can replace the gun with a fish or take two performance thrusters with different tail shapes depending on the forecast.
Pack your boards the day before you leave.
The waves in Indo tend to be very well groomed and with a nice drawn out period. No need for 7'4 or 8' guns unless you're serious about finding some real bombs.
You will be riding your 6'4 more than you think. I would not push the wide point forward. For my step up boards I leave the wide point at centre.
Dont take more than 3 boards each they will try and sting you for import duty on the boards. If there are a few of you divi up the boards so there are only three each.
If you are going to take four boards I would say your normal board x 2. your fish or a step up like the 6'4. that way you have it covered and a bigger board like (becuase you normally ride small boards) a 6'6 or a 6'8. make the 6'4 more gunny go a pin tail. or make it a 6'6 semi gun. and take your fish.
I'm not you , but I would take what I ride plus something 6in bigger idf it gets a bit large. and a spare. What ever you decide on you will get by. and you can always pickup a board there.