Bonzer 3 glasson repair

It’s been a while since I’ve posted up over here … but I’ve been surfing :slight_smile:

Probably has been covered before … so apologies for the repeat question. I’ve jumped on the bonzer bandwagon and love it. Had an unforunate run in with a shoulder hopper and the right glass on runner on my bonzer 3 took a hit. Seems like just a crack / spider in the glass near to base where the rail side fin roving would go but it seems to be spreading after surfing it again.

What’s the correct repair here? I’d hate to completely remove the fin and reglass it on. Seems overkill.

A patch the length of the fin over the stress crack?

Thanks in advance.

If you have a sander/grinder or electric drill, take a small hard disc - the 3" Rol-Lok things work great, grind away the crackage.  Scuff the surrounding area a bit, mask off and refill with resin and fiberglass strands.  Sand smooth, gloss, and wet/dry buff the whole thing.

Consider reinforcing the glassed-on area on both fins.  It’s a pain in the ass but I’ve seen many factory glass-ons with crackage and even total loss of fin with light impact. The goal seems to be ultimate light weight at the expense of any sort of durability.  Fins are add-ons begging to be torn off.

I must second what johnmellor says.

Remove all glass until the cracked area is gone. Rebuild as necessary.  Add patches like you would when doing glass-ons.

 If the crack is spreading it most be in a high stress area with forces working on the crack couseing to keep a crack from spreading find the end of the ends of the crack dril a small hole this take the energy that  working on the cack and stop sit’s transfer into more undamaged glass.