Herb you seem to be the mad scientist of the group. I have thoughts of making a bonzer set up. I just currently finished making a small single fin good fun eh. My thoughts are I just need a hair more hold on the big carving turns. Sometimes it will pop out right when your feeling like Occy. I was thinking of putting little mini bonzers on my next single fin. Using fcs plugs and the small elipse cannards from Rusty to make a five fin mini bonzer. I was at my friends today and he has them on his board. They look just like little mini bonzer fins. Do you think they are big enough to make a difference in holding power. I would probably end up running a larger single fin then the Campbell set up to compensate for the smaller bonzers. It seems like the simplest way to get a bonzer setup going since I have no way of making the standard bonzer fin applied directly into the deck. I also thought about using 1/4 inch marine hardwood and carving my own full size bonzers to fit the fcs plug. Ok what do you think? Are there gaping holes in my idea, have you tried this before. Thanks for all future and past advice. Ps the Harbour surf shop you suggested a while back was perfect for my flex fin. PPs there’s a cloud break in san diego called little makaha perhaps your familiar with it could be a good warm up tow spot.
I have heard/seen many cloud breaks along the So.Cal. coast.Some in S.D. COUNTY,as well as one that sits off of San Juan Cap. coast, a easy paddle from Doheney. As to your mini Bonzer Qs, Yes I THINK IT WILL WORK!!! placement might be something you are going to have to play with.Look at the standard settings of the Bonzer fins ,and go from there.I’ve never built one,but I have used the Rusty eliptical canards,and of the two templates I like them alot more than the up right jobs.If you need any more info. regarding this ask away,someones bound to have some solid answers.Herb.
I have made/used mini type side bites in the past with good results.Give it a try.When I first started using minis or carnard/Supercharger type fins I made them myself ,sometimes with glued-up,and glassed door skin or even the tops of of fins from dead boards.Herb.
I have made/used mini type side bites in the past with good results.Give > it a try.When I first started using minis or carnard/Supercharger type > fins I made them myself ,sometimes with glued-up,and glassed door skin or > even the tops of of fins from dead boards.Herb. Might I add that the Rusty Canards were designed to effect the water flow on the outer side of the Side fin. The propper cant for those fis are somewhere around 8 degrees. if you set them any less the board tends to track too much (at least in combination with the side fins in a standard three fin set up.) As for using them with out the side fins (as in a psuedo bonzer fashion) consider placing in the pronounced concaves to enhance the exiting flow of the water off the tail. The bonzers were extreamly loose and manuverable while allowing for more bight in a harder turn off the bottom. JC