i’m getting ready to make a 7’4" semi gun(which i should have done two months ago), using the 7’5" rawson blank with some added tail rocker. they offer one which sounds about right(+5/8" tail), but it’s called “bottom centered”. i’m assuming this means the rocker peak is right at center. anyone have any experience with bottom centered rockers? does it loosen up the board? i’m sure the guys at foam ez could answer this but i thought i’d try to get a little feedback…
The farther forward the rocker peak, the farther forward the stance.Modern small boards have the rocker behind the center. Think of the board as a pendulum. Front foot in front of the peak, rear foot behind. Look up pendulum in the dictionary, it will simplify things. aloha.
The farther forward the rocker peak, the farther forward the stance.Modern > small boards have the rocker behind the center. Think of the board as a > pendulum. Front foot in front of the peak, rear foot behind. Look up > pendulum in the dictionary, it will simplify things.>>> aloha. Many times Clark has several blanks of similar length, all availible with different rockers. You will see blanks with rocker of a different blank with the notation on it that it is a 7’11"R centered on a 7’4"R as an example. This is just one other example of centered rocker.