my next board is going to be a spin off of the walden super wide disks. the dimesnions are as follow 6’6x20x23x18’sh.
my thoughts are to keep the rails soft and pinch them in at the last 16 to 18 inches. i want to keep it a single fin. but i am unsure of bottom contour should i put a vee in the tail or should i keep it moderatletly flat.
my other thought is that some nose concave might give me the ability to nose ride the thing beyond cheater 5’s.
has anybody tried a board with dimesnions like this, and what are the pros and cons of this shape
i’m pretty sure it’s got some nose concave with a double concave out the back. i’m starting that project with a buddy of mine in about 2 weeks…i’ll let ya know how it goes.
I’m in the process of building something very similar. it’s 6’0"x18"x21"x14"x2.75" it has a pin tail and very rounded nose. The rails are very boxy 50/50 turning down into a sharp down rail in the last 16". It will be a single fin. I went with a 1/8" concave under the nose to pretty heavy v out the tail. I’ve finnished shaping it and have done the lam. I won’t be able to do a hot coat or gloss for another two days. I’m taking a trip with it in a week and a half so I’ll let you know how it rides.
No clue on the bottom contour, but I’ve decided to try somewhat the same thing using the Weber as an inspiration. My template ended up straighter, using a 6’9"A, and to compound my problems I cut to deeply, netting a 19 X 21 1/8 X 16. I’m 5’11" and 160 lbs, so I think I’m still good to go. I took 4 inches off the blank, 2 out front and 2 in the rear, and I think I’ll probably take another 2 off the tail before it’s done.
The harder the rails are in the tail - and the farther up that edge runs - the less you’ll be able to noseride. Hard rails plane on top, round rails float at the rail widepoint…You besically have a decision to make whether you want to be able to kick it around or noseride it. To noseride a board with that short a length, you’ve really got to accentuate the other characteristics of noseriders, like soft curves, late tail rocker rather than continuous, big fin set way back…and those things won’t make it very fun to do anything but noseride on.
I’d make it so it would be fun to ride, and then see if you can cheat 5 by accident every now & then. But don’t try to build in any noseriding features, because you’ll end up making it so it doesn’t do anything super-well if you make compromises.
I was in Walden’s shop today and had a chance to look at the CD’s. He was out of the Super Wide’s however, I did have a chance to discuss it with the salesperson. Typically the board is made with a 2 + 1 setup but that can change based on personal preference. Some people ride it with a single fin up to the 6’6" model, then switch over to the 2 + 1. (How about using one of Halcyon’s custom fin setups?) From what I remember, the bottom is a very slight concave under the nose, flattening out and becoming a double in the tail. Walden’s bottom shape is a little different from the standard single to double. He has this 4" (or so) bevelled, concave thinger-ma-jiggy just inside of the rail. Hard to explain but it works very well.
He has this 4" (or so) bevelled, concave thinger-ma-jiggy just inside of the rail. Hard to explain but it works very well.
it’s called “chined rails”…check the archives for more info…i know there’s been a couple threads on it…and i think that on the waldens it’s primarily restricted to the front half or 2/3 of the board throughout the “Magic” line (although i’m not entirely certain, so you may want to double check on that)
I’m looking at the board right now and these aren’t traditional chined rails, that’s why I had trouble describing them. I had a 10’ Malibu Sports longboard that had chined rails running through the front 2/3 of the board. Pat Ryan uses chined rails on his Kingfish as well, but these aren’t quite the same.
Yeah, I’d say it’s the same. I’m looking at a 9’6" Magic and the bottom looks pretty much the same as the CD & Super Wide. If in fact, it is called a chined rail, it must be an adapted variation of the standard chine. Sort of similar to different peoples interpretation of a “fish”. For example: Yancy Spencer makes a great fish but it isn’t anything close, in design, to a Steve Lis or Kane Garden.
i have searched the archives on the chined rails and i have yet to see a pic, i can imagine it but like what soulstice said, some one needs to bust out the digital camera.
i still think that i am going to go with slight nose concave to vee through the tail. and this board is definetly getting a cool resin swirl glass job.
Do you know the deifferences between the Walden Compact Disc and the Walden Super Wide models. I can’t determine it on the Walden website and they did not reply to my e-mail.
Here’s the photos of the bottom on a 9’6" magic model. The same as the CD and Superwide. The contour above the fins is about 3 3/4" from the rail. It’s difficult to get a shot of it without the proper lighting but we tried. You can see the concave but it’s hard to discern the section between that and the rail.