bring back the chipfish

The forum just doesn’t seem the same, I always looked forward to Ben’s remarks and eccentricities. Bring back the chipper or can some one in wozzie post a photo or 20. May be we could start a save the chipper fund . can someone send me his address.

Some thing is wrong, it is like Decker and black, chips and fish, the world has gone crazy, brittney has’nt gone to rehab for a year, Amy Winehouse has quoted she is ugly. what is wrong. no chipper thats what.

Wassup with Ben? Did he gone get hisself banned?

Or maybe he got a new obsession with earth-moving equipment or something? Graduated to the big time in Wozzie Mining Industry?

(I heard you can earn a clean $1000 a day driving trucks…)



Hey speed needy

Ben’s proper skint and starving! He is still communicating with the wider world by non-internet wankery though. Must post that letter tomorrow (with a packet of chocolate hob-nobs in it).

Totally aint the same without him.

Chipper, come home!

you’re right. ben makes swaylocks a better place. but he’ll come back eventually, & bless sways with his presence. he always does.

anyways, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Just sent chips a letter this morning. I picked up a trick from one of his old posts that I tried out last night.

I used the plastic tube that denture tablets came in with teeth cut in the end to bore the hole through the foam to the deck during a fcs install. Up to now I just used a thin screw driver as I’m too cheap to folk out for the official kit I put together my own home made version.

I improved it slightly by using spray adhesive to stick a small piece of 60 grit round the over end to tidy up the inside of the hole. Even on the other side of the world the tubes here are exactly the same diameter as the plugs and with the sand paper ever so slightly smaller to allow it to just fit the hole, the glass stops you sanding too far giving a perfect hole no worries.

I have to say they turned out great, really neat. Cheap, simple and so easy to use – my world not what was written on the tube – anyway I have no idea how many tubes chips searched through to find one the right size or even if chips’ teeth are real but for less than 50p it’s a bargain.

My hat goes off to you chipper me o’mate.

Howzit pandanus, Chip has had computer meltdowns in the past and that might be the problem now. Try a PM and see what happens.Aloha,Kokua


He’ll get it together with the help of the bros.We all miss him , crazy dude that he is.

panadus, I think thats a great idea! i miss ben around here sharin with us his wealth of knowledge. I have his address somewhere so I’ll pm it to you or post it up on here